separate drysuit inflation cyl.

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Reaction score
north vancouver bc canada
# of dives
200 - 499
I have thought many times about using argon for drysuit inflation. A separate bottle dedicated for my suit. Our waters now are around 34 degrees on up and so my question is: does it really keep you any warmer? some divers I have met say yes and others so not much difference. If so how much warmer? and any cons to a setup such as this besides $$.
Diver who use argon for drysuit inflation usually do so because they are diving trimix.
If you diving air or Nitrox I would not spend money on a separate DS inflation system.
DCIEM run test on the use of argon and many divers could not tell the difference between air and argon.
thanks. Hyper-limits. kinda what I thought and why I have not switched.
If using argon, you really need to fill the suit and purge it several times, on the surface prior to the dive to get the full benefit out of it. But I only use argon when I'm in cold water and using trimix, other than that i just fill the suit bottle with air.
Pre purging is a must. How much warmer is really to me subjective. It may be that there is a psych factor but I definitely feel warmer using argon. Just recently did two days 1/1 and 1/2 with argon first day and air the second just to test this. Even tho conditions uw were the same temp wise I felt about 3-4 times warmer with the argon. Was still ok with the air and undies I had on, the argon was down right toasty feeling. As for the extra expense if you only do a few dives each year where you need it it might not be worth it. But if it's every other weekend and you'll use the suit alot go for it. And if you're buoyancy control is good to start with you may get quite a few dives out of every argon fill. I have 13 cuft bottle and so far have 6 days 1-2 dives each on it and still may get a few more out of it (still have 600 psi in it from a 2600 lb fill)
I use a 13, which is really too big, and I get 6 to 8 dives out of it, and I use it liberally. Some people say it's a placebo. I don't really care, 'cause it does work for me. Some trimix divers say it doesn't work, and then use it for making trimix dives, as it it only works if you're on trimix. If it isn't better than air, why not just use air on your trimix dive?

There's a clue here... :D
Rick Inman:
I use a 13, which is really too big, and I get 6 to 8 dives out of it, and I use it liberally. Some people say it's a placebo. I don't really care, 'cause it does work for me. Some trimix divers say it doesn't work, and then use it for making trimix dives, as it it only works if you're on trimix. If it isn't better than air, why not just use air on your trimix dive?

There's a clue here... :D

Once you get on trimix you'll understand.

On nitrox, it really isn't needed that much, and the extra warmth isn't noticed as much.

On trimix, helium causes heat to be sucked out of your body much faster, so the addition of argon to the suit helps to maintain body heat.

now go take the course. enough free advice.
Rick Inman:
If it isn't better than air, why not just use air on your trimix dive?

That exactly what I do when diving Trimix, It works for me. Up here in the cold water of BC.I like to keep my run time to maximum of 70 minutes, I don't care how much argon you pump in a DS you will be cold. If argon keep you warm, just use it. Whatever make you happy.

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