Seattle Underwater Sports Service Dept. ...and ScubaToys

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Port Townsend, WA
# of dives
1000 - 2499
For a while now I've been mailing my gear to Underwater Sports (Seattle) for annual service. They have been amazingly prompt, economical, and did a good job. Quick, good, and no-nonsense: my kinda place. Muchas gracias!

And, of course, another plug for ScubaToys -- some of the stuff I've ordered has shipped the very same day. You guys rock!

Did you buy your gear at UWS?

I'll need to get my Dive Rite reg serviced in a couple of months, and I should figure out where in Seattle I am going to take it.
Nope, I bought my gear elsewhere. I have a DiveRite BCD that they serviced, no problem.

Good, thanks. I haven't had any problems with UWS but some shops punish you for buying gear elsewhere... Sounds like they won't play that game.

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