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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Davis, Ca
# of dives
25 - 49

I am new to this forum and scuba diving. I have been trying to use the search feature before asking any questions. However, I have not figured out how to efficiently use the search feature. I was wondering if there was a way to 1) search as specific forum 2) use boolean search? Is there a FAQ on how to use the search feature?

DOH! I just found the advance search feature. :D
Quick question: Is there an FAQ on searching? I am trying to figure out how to use a boolean search. For example I want to search for posts that has the word "Bare" AND "Drysuit". How about searching based on variable. I want to search so that the word drysuit and drysuits both comes up by using something like "Dry*"

Sorry, no search FAQ (yet).

Just enter Bare and Drysuit as search criteria.

Dry* is perfectly acceptable as a search criterium.
I'd like to add another search question if I might... is there a way to search for a specific phrase? I've tried entering the phrase in quotes but the search still returns anything it finds with any of the words in it. I've also tried using AND between my words but get the same result. Would like to search for a specific phrase if possible.

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