SeaKingII to Oahu Thursday

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Reaction score
N.W. Indiana
# of dives
200 - 499
Thursday we go to Oahu with SDI OW referral in hand.

I picked up a SeaKingII yesterday, and was wondering what speed film users of this camera would recomend for the day dives on Oahu?

Thank you
I'm not familiar with that specific camera but you'll be fine with ASA100 film.
This Camera has a F stop of 5.6 and shutter speed of 1/125.

You've been to Hawaii, and know how much light there will be?

I do not have an external strobe, just the internal flash.

I will most likely not be enlareging the pictures, tho you never know if you get that gerat shot.

200asa can be enlarged a little without getting too grainy.

So you are shure I should use 100 and not 200?

Peace out
2 days till departure cant wait

You didn't say you'd only have an internal flash, but if you think ASA200 works better, go for it! Just be aware that the faster the film, the grainier it will be which will definitely show up in enlargements.

If you have a fixed aperture and shutter speed, you'll only get snapshot quality pics so I doubt you'll get anything to enlarge but you never know!
I had excellent results with 200 in cozumel; External strobe would be great (on the wish list) and I'd love to be able to attach a red filter (but I don't think that's possible). Last year I used 400 speed film and the results were not quite as clear as with 200 - much more grainy. I love the Seaking II but watch to make sure you have a perfect seal with the o-ring smooth and clean! The goali unit is a pain, but it is a great safety feature.

Have a great trip and try to post your results when you get back.
I purchased a seaking II in Ohau while on vacation. 200 was good for the conditions. I have since added an external strobe (but haven't used it yet).:(

By the way, does anyone know of a digital camera that will fit in the seaking II housing?

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