I've asked this a couple of times but wanted to revisit the topic now that I've done some more research. I recently got a Canon S100 and an Ikelite housing for it. I want to invest in a strobe now. The AF-35 seems to be what Ikelite is really pushing for its compact housings; however, I want a strobe that will out live this camera/housing and will be able to be used on a more advanced (SLR) system if/when I ever upgrade. I feel like the AF-35 is more of a toy and it would not be compatible with an SLR housing, right?
Does anyone have any experience using the YS-02 (or YS-01) with a compact Ikelite housing? I know the YS-01 has the TTL and the modeling light, but it is a little out of my price range.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Does anyone have any experience using the YS-02 (or YS-01) with a compact Ikelite housing? I know the YS-01 has the TTL and the modeling light, but it is a little out of my price range.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!