Sculpture Garden near Kho Phi Phi

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British Columbia
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I am heading to Thailand in a couple days, we have booked a week of diving in Kho Phi Phi. I heard from someone in a recent dive trip that there is an underwater sculpture garden near Phi Phi but due to lack of interest the project was never completed and after some time the dive shops just forgot about it, apparently is not as cool as the one in Cozumel. I would love to be able to dive there! I asked around with a few shops and they all say they heard about it but don't know how to get there.

Anyone knows how to find it? Coordinates?

This artificial reef is found near Bamboo and Mosquito island north of Phi Phi. I don't know the coordinates but try asking them again with these information.

These projects usually all end up going the same way as this one has appeared to do. People start out with I dare say well meaning intentions, only to subsequently lose interest and / or move on to another location, and leave the items that they put in place to break down and litter the sea bed.

If such items were thrown from passing ships, some divers would be up in arms about litter issues, and there are financial penalties that can be imposed on companies for littering our oceans.

I seem to remember a similar project in Koh Tao that was mentioned on these forums some time ago? Any idea what happened to that one?

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