I was browsing the way-back machine and google to see if I could find my old USS Monitor dive description, and came across this thread. Just thought I would drop a note saying hello and offer to answer any questions directly.
Most pleased to see you active on here, Justin. It's been a long time since we've talked. I trust your diving continues to be rewarding and fun. I have always wanted to see what it's like in your part of the world; the pacific coast is absolutely one of my favorite places to get wet.
I do plan to post some dive stories on a website, including my visit to the USS Monitor. I'll also scan my certificate from same as soon as I can figure out a good way to "secure" it. BTG has long since gone away, purchased over and over by government contractors, and the old web stuff has long since been lost. I did not have my own infrastructure then, so no backups. I want to do it differently now anyway. More of a personal thing, and more stories about interesting experiences.
Scot Anderson
(formerly of the btg posting as ~scot)