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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
NE Indiana
# of dives
Hello to all the Scuba Board members. I am writing just to say hi and see what you all have to say. Obviously, I am a new member and haven't had time to visit the entire board. Hopefully I will not violate some protocol or rule (written or unwritten) before I fully understand how to use the board.

Thanks for the board and thanks in advance for all the knowledge you might share with me.

I am an experienced scuba diver with over 3700 logged dives. I am currently a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer working on my ICD Staff Instructor. I am a very active instructor for not working in the industry. My primary job, the one that pays for my scuba habit, is a Mechanical Engineer working for a large Aerospace firm in NE Indiana. I am also a Volunteer Firefighter/First Responder (Medic), the Water Rescue Captain for our local Fire Department, an Ice Rescue Instructor and a CERT Instructor.

I have been to most of the Caribbean dive locations (The Caymans, Bahamas, Bimini, The Keys, Belize, Cancun, Cozumel, Turks and Caicos, Jamaica, USVI, BVI, etc.) and have also had the opportunity to dive Truk Lagoon and Hawaii in the Pacific. My next dive trips will be to the Florida Keys at Christmas this year, Cozumel in February of 2011, Moorehead City in July of 2011 and Grand Cayman in December of 2011.

If I can share any of my experiences or knowledge with any of the members of this board, please don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks again!!

Welcome to ScubaBoard...!

It sounds like you bring a lot of great experience to our community... thanks! Looking forward to hearing from you.

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