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I got here by looking for a woman's drysuit. Link after link and voila !. Have been reading a few posts. there are so many. Anyone from New Hampshire? A Friend and I are always looking for new places to dive. It is getting cold up here. Anyone know if a 5mm wetsuit with dive skin under would be warm enough for the Atlantic Ocean ? Cape Ann...
welcome to the board Jackie-O and you might want to check other forums in here such as exposure suits and travel destinations.:)
Sunny Florida.... I think you will like this place I visit almost everyday!!!

And just for the record I had no problems using the voting machines

Spectre and a few others from the New England Lobster Divers are from New Hampshire, and we have a pretty active group of New England divers. We'd be happy to have you along sometime!

I dive with a 2-piece 7mm wetsuit, and have found that to be adequate in the 40-70 temperature range around here. 5mm would probably be okay for another few weeks, but will rapidly become insufficient as the temperature begins it's long descent into ski-season.
Greetings from Connecticut.

Visit the New England Lobsta Divahs forum, the more the merrier!
Welcome to the Board.

What are the water temps where you will be diving? South Florida water temps in the Atlantic are around 83-85.. dive skin suited my needs. A 3 mm in 73 degree water kept me warm.

Happy Diving :)
Hi Jackie-O.. welcome to the scuba-board from the soon to be frozen waters of Michigan USA!

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