san carlos..have ya been there?

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sierra vista Az
just wondering if anyone has been to san carlos mexico and how it was? we are going to be there at the end of this month. its a easy 6 to 7 hour drive from home for us so we thought we would give it a go. thanks for any info......
just wondering if anyone has been to san carlos mexico and how it was? we are going to be there at the end of this month. its a easy 6 to 7 hour drive from home for us so we thought we would give it a go. thanks for any info......

I was down there last week. However, I only did some shore diving. The visibility was 15 to 20 feet. There were tall stands of seaweed in the areas I dove (Lalo and Frenchy's Cove). The water temperature was about 70 degrees on the surface and mid 60's at depth. The visibility may be better at the offshore sites, such as San Pedro Island. The water temp will be a few degrees warmer by the end of the month. Have fun.

I'm headed down on the 20th for a few dives and will be going out to San Pedro. I'll give you an update after the trip.

sweet info thanks and im looking forward to the report on your dive zoner. we will be headed to coz in july if all works out ok, but dont want to wait that long for a dive. im going nutz as is. the pool is looking good right now/
sweet info thanks and im looking forward to the report on your dive zoner. we will be headed to coz in july if all works out ok, but dont want to wait that long for a dive. im going nutz as is. the pool is looking good right now/

Here's a quick report on San Carlos:

We stayed at Marina Terra and it was pretty nice. Clean, friendly, close to a few restaurants & bars that were reasonably priced. Rooms had a fridge in them and beds were comfortable. I’ve stayed at San Carlos Plaza and Condos Pilar and like Marina Terra's the best so far.

We dove (dived) with Gary’s. It wasn’t my first choice but ended up being rather nice. We had four sets of doubles that I wasn’t looking forward to carrying from my truck to the boat and Gary’s had crew that would come right to the truck, unload them, put them on dollies and get them on the boat. That saved my back. They also brought them back to the truck afterwards. The crew on the boats was not used to divers diving with doubles and we did have to remind them not to turn on or off any of our valves. Twice, as I was getting ready top stride in I had a crewmember pull out my secondary inflator hose (dual bladder) and try to plug it in. After that we took the time to try and explain our set ups as best as we could. They knew very little English and we knew very little Spanish. We all learned a bit.

Our first dive was a shore dive and I think it might have been Emerald Bay. I guess it was ok. Vis was limited, maybe 20 ft. A bit of seaweed going in and it’s a long swim to get to any depth. If you get out side the bay you can find a pretty good current. Lot’s of scorpion fish in the rocks so watch were you place you hands when coming out. There also is a slight surge.

Next dives were local boat dives with again, not real good vis. These were training dives for me so I didn’t pay a lot of attention to the underwater life but we did do some swim through arches that were pretty neat. Water temp was at about 77 dive rite degrees on these dives down to about maybe fifty feet. There was a visible thermo and it dropped down to lower 70 degrees. I dove a 3mil all weekend. It was a little chilly below the thermo but then it was close to a hundred or more once you were out of the water. To me it felt good. There are some pretty good currents out there on the local dives so it is easy to loose you boat and buddies if not paying attention.

Last three dives were out on San Pedro and vis was better. I’d say maybe up to 50 ft in some locations. Water temp was similar but dropped down in the mid 60s by 150ft. Current wasn’t bad in the protected areas of the island, get out side that and who knows.
Again, these were training dives so didn’t pay to much attention to the life but we did have some pretty aggressive sea lions who like to get in our face. Hard to do shut down drills when you got a sea lion coming at your face at 50 miles an hour. But it was fun! Again, Scorpion fish everywhere!

Restaurants that I liked were Rosa’s, great breakfast burrito and San Carlos Grill, good prices for good food. I had some good Italian food too but don’t remember the name of the restaurant.

Hope this helps anybody going down soon.

Hey thanks for the report, very helpful. ive talked to alot of divers and the all say the sae lions can get a bit too playful at times. a dm was telling us a story of one that would come and lay on the bottom beside him( while he was doing skills for new ow certs) grab rocks and then go up obove him and drop the rocks on him, they also took off with his dive flag too. i think we will skip san carlos and hit rocky point for a quick trip since viz didnt sound much better. rocky point is cheap as heck too. i just want to do more dives to get used to the whole thing and get more comfortable. thanks for the info. Dennis
Hope I didn't steer you wrong but there is no comparision to rockypoint. If you want to dive take the extra 2-3 hours and go to San Carlos. The local vis should be improving and the island, San Pedro is really worth the trip out to.


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