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olney illinois
Hi every one. Wow what a great site! I am new to scuba (duh) and was webbing when I found this site. What an incredible wealth of information. I take my first dive since certification in two weeks and am very excited. I look forward to meeting new people here and learning all I can to become a safe educated and responsible diver. See yo in the water. :sun:
Hello and welcome from Canada.

Now if you complete your profile, we'll all know a bit more about you too.

I bet you're excited about soon taking your cert dives. Remember to come back and tell us all about it.
Welcome to the Boards, from NJ.
Enjoy your dives, let us know how they go, and, if you have any questions, ask away! There is a wealth of exeperience "floating" around this place.
Good Luck,
Hi From Kingston Ontario Canada..
Welcome to the SCUBA Board. Hope you enjoy the forum. Don't be afraid to ask Questions or to do Posts..

Hope all your days are wet ones.. or dry.. depending on how you dive..
Howdy from Texas. Join right in with questions or opinions, you'll find alot of both around here!
... and a Hearty New England Welcome!

Sounds like you're off to a great start!

Scuba-sass :)

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