Salt water pool question & the Dixie DIR Divas

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Greenville, SC
Ok looks like the Divas have access to a couple of pools. One is a regular pool and one is salt water. Do the chemicals used in a salt water pool have the same effect on buoyancy as diving in salt water in the ocean? I think I will have enough lead for everyone but want to make sure I have everything on the truck before I drive from Greenville, SC to Columbia, SC to meet the Divas.

The plan is to get the other gals rigs set up and then work on:
proper weighting
air sharing
and various hovering games--I am going to win dinner out of this deal!

One of the gals will be using a rental reg set with the short hose unless her brother wants to send her and early Christmas present (Ben_Ca are you passing this info onto Rob? I have a line on a new Salvo reg that would be nice for her! PM me and I will send you the details) We can certainly work on our goals for the day even with the non compliant reg. I think we will trade out regs sets since 2 of the 3 will be long hose, that way everyone will get to work on some stuff.

I am getting a little better at hovering, but not great by any means. I hope by the spring when the fish begin to school that I will be able to just hover with them. I got to be near thousands of them in Keowee this past spring, but I was stuck on the bottom. The next time we meet I want to be with them. It was a magic moment as thousands of them just hung in the water sparkling as the sun hit them.
Salt water pools operate at a salt concentration between 3000 and 4000ppm. This is well below the concentration of sea water so the buoyancy characteristics are not the same.

The salt in the water is just a means of generating chlorine for the pool.
Leah, I dive pools several times a week (My wife and I own a swimming pool company) and I can't tell any difference (buoyancy wise) between a salt or a fresh water pool. The salinity of a salt pool is nowhere near as great as sea water.
Cool that will be helpful since we are going to be doing our dives in fresh lake water.

I want to get everything set while we work in the pool so when we hit the lake we can cruise on out to see the fishies and friends!
Oh, YEAH?? :eyebrow: :rofl3: :51: You're on, Bumblingbee!

Hmm this could be fun! You are depending on me to help you set up your rig correctly. I just might set it up so you turtle uncontrollably so I can both win dinner and laugh as you flop around in the water!:rofl3: :rofl3:

However, since you hooked me up with a load of your special recipe fried chicken that last time you came to Jocassee, as fun as it might be to mess with you a bit, I better rethink my devious thoughts and just set it up the right way unless I want to be cut off from future cookings!!! LOL

The California DIR guy’s sister can only meet with us on Saturday morning the weekend we get together. I am thinking that we should head over to your daughters and do some dives in the cove near where they live. Any chance we can get them to place a chum bag in the water to attract the fish? You know I am all about seeing the fish!

I am getting so much more comfortable in the water now that I have started trying to incorporate some DIR principles. I was really shocked the last time we went out how much it improved. Even though you had some gear issues and my ears were bothering me I felt a lot more relaxed in the water and felt much more a part of my surroundings since I had better buoyancy and fining control.
We can chum away! If you want to see those Wet Notes alive, you better not mess with my rig :no

Point well taken Fairy Dive Mother! :10:

Hey do you know what the vis is at that lake and how deep it is in the cove? I will get a chum recipe to send to you. I would love to spend the afternoon hovering in a bunch of fish.
it probably maxes out around 10-12 feet in the cove. Don't know about the viz there for sure, but it probably beats a catfish pond :D

Hey NOW!! That was a good experience! I now know what it is like to dive in zero vis chocolate milk with big things swimming around me! And I also learned how to claw myself out of the water when to gooey bank kept caving in on you. That was some work out to get back up on muddy land. Next time I will stick my dive knife in the ground and use that like an ice climber would a pick. I still haven’t got all the ground in mud out of my suit.

The pond owner sometimes kills off the algae bloom. If I could promise some vis are you willing to try to dive it at sunrise again before the fisherman get there? You have to admit that even though that part of our diving day did not go as planned we had a great time! Think of all the great memories we made that day!

Once we get our buoyancy and trim down, I want to get together with Rick and dive that channel he was talking about with the large people sized catfish. I am determined to find those bad boys! And determined to swim with them!

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