Rookie DIR Regulator Question

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Reaction score
Denver, CO
# of dives
200 - 499
I have not taken DIRF, I'm hoping to this spring. However, I want to have my own regulator setup before then, but it's going to be a layaway kind of thing. :) I have done my SEARCH function, but it's not turning much up for me except the usual Apeks vs. SP arguments.

I've got the Fundies book. By reading the book, and comparing that to what's available at my LDS, I'm down to what looks like three regulator options. I'd like some feedback on these selections, and maybe some tips on what to avoid or perhaps a more cost-effective way of doing things.

My LDS carries Scubapro and Atomic regulators. Apeks is only serviced by one LDS in my area that I know of, and I won't frequent that shop, so Apeks is flat out.

I'm looking at the G250 or the S600 on a Mk25 1st stage, or the Atomic M1 setup. I do not dive doubles, so I'll only be getting a single first stage right now.

Is there a reason to go with the G250 over the S600, or vice versa? There seems to be some design differences between the two, but besides the larger case I'm not sure what they are. This is the way I'm leaning though since SP is so widely available.

Is the M1 DIR compatible? By what I've learned, it sure appears to be. Looks like a nice regulator too.

Is there any reason to use a matching backup, or would a "lesser" 2nd stage be appropriate? For example, should I get a pair of M1s?

I know these may seem like some rather small potato questions, but this is my first regulator purchase, and the only DIR person I have here is the shop owner. I trust him, but I like second opinions as well, and I haven't approached him about this as yet since I'll need to have an idea as to what I'm looking at in terms of cost.

Thanks for your input.
IMO, some things matter a lot more than others. You should ask yourself what kind of diving you're going to be doing and what kind of regulator you need for that kind of diving. For example, if you use doubles and deco bottles, it can be easier to have everything the same to make servicing and troubleshooting easier on yourself. If you're going to be diving any cold water at all, it makes sense to have a sealed first stage and second stages with heat exchangers.

Specifically, DIR requires things like a faceplate that's removeable under water. I've been glad my Apeks do this, as I accidentally filled up my primary second with sand while trying to inflate a glass bottle (whoops). You should also be sure you use a standard mouthpiece and not something like a Seacure which can't be easily donated.

I'm not personally familiar with SP or Atomic regs, but I've heard plenty of great things about both. SP is so prevalent I think it would be hard to go wrong with their regs. There is no need to have your primary second match your backup.

In short, just make sure what you're buying is appropriate to the diving you're doing or will be doing.
Thanks, JT.

Most of my diving right now is in terms of the warm water weenie stuff. However, my local water is cold and muddy (Colorado lakes and reservoirs). The people I've talked to here though say that the SP regs work just fine, since it's not ice diving, but it can get cold.

I'm not interested in ice diving at this point, but someday I'd like to do some of the North East wrecks and maybe even some of the ones off of the PNW. After a recent Cenote experience, I'm also interested in learning more about caving, but I'm not sure how far I'll go there. I'm also interested in someday going pro, but like all of the advanced stuff that's a long ways off for me. I'm still on the beginning steps of my journey.

My wife is strictly a warm water diver, so that is also a factor for me to consider.
If you get the SP, save the money and get the 250. It has the same internal mechanism as the S600. It's just as good--some say better--with no downside that I can see.
Most of my diving right now is in terms of the warm water weenie stuff. However, my local water is cold and muddy (Colorado lakes and reservoirs). The people I've talked to here though say that the SP regs work just fine, since it's not ice diving, but it can get cold.
I have the MK25/G250 with an R390 for my safe second. I dive it mostly in the beautiful PNW and have never had any problems with it. I've had it almost two years and it has about 190 dives on it. We've (my wife and I) have also been to Bonaire and Puerto Vallarta and it worked great for warm water, too.

When I was back in Denver earlier this year visiting family, my wife and I stopped at a dive shop in Littleton. I just had to ask them where in the heck they dove in Denver! Sounds like the Aurora reservoir is the place to go? They also mentioned some place with a sunken plane and other stuff, plus driving up into the Rockies to dive some lake who's name I can't remember. Anyway, any of those places will be fine with the SP regulator, I'm sure.

I don't have any experience with the Atomics, but I do with the SP's and Apeks. You won't go wrong with the SP 250. Great reg and I agree you can save the money vs. the 600's. That said I own a bunch of S600's all on MK25's. The SP's are easily serviced most places around the world since they are so popular.

Even though you wont buy an Apeks you might find the review that I did last night comparing the ATX200 vs. the S600

In regards to your wet breathing regs, does the 250 breath as dry as the 600?

The dry breathing of the 600 has to be the most impressive part about it to me. Every other rental I used breathed very wet if I inverted at all. The 600 breaths dry in every position, including on my back or on my head.

If the 250 does the same, I think I'll be set then. That's probably going to shave a good fifty bucks off.

What kind of 2nd stage do you use for your backup?

In regards to your wet breathing regs, does the 250 breath as dry as the 600?

The dry breathing of the 600 has to be the most impressive part about it to me. Every other rental I used breathed very wet if I inverted at all. The 600 breaths dry in every position, including on my back or on my head.

If the 250 does the same, I think I'll be set then. That's probably going to shave a good fifty bucks off.

What kind of 2nd stage do you use for your backup?

I don't own a 250, but have used them on a few occasions. I didn't notice any real difference between the 250 and the 600's.

I use the 600's for both primary and secondary. I have a couple pairs set up that way - DIR style with long hoses, bungies, spg etc. I also have a couple individual ones. Eventually these will be used for stage bottles. All of them are set up on MK25's. I also now have a pair of ATX 200's - primary and secondary set up DIR config.

Honestly I think you will be very happy with any of the SP regs.
I use Mk25/S600 on my back gas and Mk25/G250 on my stages. As previously mentioned the two regs are near identical inside. I prefer the S600 on my back gas because of the size. I prefer the G250 on my stages as the traditional faceplate is less likely to be accidentally purged when stowed.
I maintain my own regs and getting the parts for free every year is great (not many things in diving are free!!). Standardizing all my regs simplifies maintenace greatly. You can't beat the hose-routing.
No problem with them ice-diving, particularly since they upgraded the first stage body.

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