Roatan's Las Rocas: Reviews??

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Tampa, FL
Since I got minimal response on the general request, think I'll try the specific approach.

Can anyone tell me what they think of Las Rocas? Where is it in relation to the busy part of town? How close is it to the water? Are the managers nice? Prices/deals?
GD: Since you have your PM function turned off, I'll just let you know here - All these Roatan queries got moved to the South America travel forum where they are likely to get more responses than in the Europe forum.

Have a great trip :D

Thank you Thank you! Who moved them? What's a PM function? Thanks for the help. All these forums are different, and I'm learning. Appreciate the help and patience.
dear gd,
the pm function allows divers to send another board member a private message that only they can read.
it helps keeping trolls down to a low roar.
smokey braden:
dear gd,
the pm function allows divers to send another board member a private message that only they can read.
it helps keeping trolls down to a low roar.

what are trolls? i suppose there's a forum that discusses how to use this forum. i'll look for it. (unfortunately, i'm one of those wait-until-you-get-in-trouble-before-reading-the-manual type of people. sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi gd if you go into FEATURES (see above on bar) that will answer a lot of your questions. Also USER CP will allow you to add an avatar under your name, or a signature and a lot of other stuff. Check it out.
I dove with Las Rocas last May of '04 for a week. We were staying at Foster's West Bay (which was fine, by the way), and we dove with Las Rocas out of convenience. West Bay has the best beach (for Mom), but it is a $10 cab ride each way to West End, or $3 water taxi if you can get one. The Las Rocas accomidations looked fine from the outside, but I think for some reason they lost power a bit more than we did that week (probably no fault of their own).

In my opinion, the dive operation was hit and miss from day to day. It's a small operation with two small boats. The DMs were very good, and everyone was friendly. Most of the dives were great, but we hit the same few sites after a few days. On the downside, I missed several dives because they were either overbooked, or did not have enough people signed up for a night dive or shark dive. Some dives had three divers on board, other dives had twelve or more. On one dive, we got into some choppy seas, and the captain almost hit me with the prop. I also observed them change the oil on one of the outboards, and dump the old oil in the bushes. I know it is not the U.S., but it still bothers me.

If you are looking for some casual, easy diving on West Bay Beach, they are fine. If you want to maximize your bottom time, and see a variety of sites, you might want to consider other options. When I do go back to Roatan (and I definitly will), I would either go all inclusive at CCV, or stay in West End for a few days, shop around different dive operators, then hit Utilla for a few days.

Feel free to e-mail me at if you have any other questions.

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