Roatan vs. Belize

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Reaction score
Neptune Beach, FL
# of dives
200 - 499
Hi everyone,
Trying to plan my next dive trip and wondering about the diving in Belize vs. Roatan. I have made 3 trips to Roatan (cruise and 2 week long stays) and have been lucky with great weather and viz for my diving. A local dive shop has a trip to Belize in late June, going out on the SunDancer II. I'm looking at either a repeat trip to Roatan in that timeframe or maybe a new destination, jumping in with the group heading down to do the liveaboard. I enjoy liveaboard diving as I did a trip to Thailand years ago on a boat nowhere even close to the look of the SunDancer (it was a VERY basic boat), so luxury, etc. is not a big deal. It's all about the diving for me.

Was hoping to get some feedback from those who 1) have been diving in Belize and/or 2) have been out recently on the SunDancer II. I know in the past there have been issues with Peter Hughes' operations during a hurricane but also that the fleet has changed hands. Thanks in advance!
If it's all about the diving, I'd go with the Belize live aboard. They take you to the best diving in Belize, out on the atholls.
I did Roatan about 8 years ago. CCV. It was nice but I like the atholl diving here a bit more.
However, compared to Thailand and SE Asian flora and fauna, Roatan and Belize are very similar. Kind of like Ohio and Indiana vs. Idaho.
Belize liveaboard would be my choice. Cocoview is one of my favorite land-based places in the Caribbean, but Belize on a liveaboard is easily my favorite diving in the Caribbean, land or liveaboard. Both will pale to diving in Southeast Asia.

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