Results of red filter on Hero4 - Thailand video

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Reaction score
Western Australia
# of dives
500 - 999
Hi All,

I tried out a red filter on my Hero 4 and was surprised about the results.

The trick really is to get the lighting right in order to avoid as much as 'green' as possible.

Dive spot is in Koh Lanta, Thailand.

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Wow! That's definitely a very nice and sharp looking piece of video! Which settings did you shoot this in?
Settings were:

  • resolution: 1080
  • frames per second: 24
  • FOV: wide
  • Low light: off
  • Spot meter: off
  • Protune: off

I was using a Bobbler but found that to be quite instable and shaky unless there is zero current and you force yourself to keep extremely still with slow movements.

The only 'complain' on the H4 I would have is around macro as the pictures/videos get very blurry with close ups.
I can't wait to try my red filter once I get to the ocean. I miss Thailand badly!

Great video man!
Depth was between 10 and 20 meters but mostly on the shallower end.
I used the Polar Pro filter

Most excellent, I just got a Polar Pro. It was awesome to watch the filter "kick in" on your descent in this video.
Actually, after my dive trip I handed my filter to another diver so he can use it with his gopro.

Now I am contemplating to buy the Backscatter Flip instead of re-buying the Polar Pro again.

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