Report trip to Nassau

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So thanks to the info I found here, we decided to go to the Bahamas at the end of October for 1 week (school vacation for our 9 year young).
We staid in Nassau in the Sheraton and were happy with the choice.
Because of our son, my wife and I alternate; she usually takes the deep dive in the morning and I go shallow in the afternoon.
Our first dive was with Bahama divers; my wife thought it was an OK dive.
In the afternoon dive, the boat was packed with snorkelers; there were also some divers but not part of the normal dive schedule. We went to a very shallow site (probably because of the snorkelers) with a depth of about 5-10 m (multiply by 3 to obtain feet).
It was absolute chaos to get into the water, as there was no order; when I asked that the divers go first, the dive masters agreed. Our dive master took about 10 minutes u/w to get the divers organized©ª thought the safety was very loose and we decided to go with Stuart Coves the next day; big difference: at the reception helpful and pleasant people, about 6 or 7 boats and stricter on safety. So we never looked back. The Sheraton hotel is located about the same distance from either BD or SC. Both picked us up at the hotel.
My wife and son joined on a snorkeling boat (different from the dive boat); they went to 3 different sites for almost the same cost as BD.
I saw a parrot fish I had never seen before; green, very big with about half of its body brown; not in my fish book!
And of course we went on the shark-feeding dive, which was something I might not do again but am glad I did it anyway. I actually preferred the dive prior to the shark feeding at the same site; there were about 10-15 sharks cruising around, waiting for chow.
And we got our son a step closer (again): on the snorkeling trip, they saw a moray eel swimming in the water and could follow it for about 10 minutes; they also saw sharks
(controlled tightly by the crew). And one dive our son jumped in the water and I gave him my octopus so he got a breathing experience and loved it. So the next generation is getting ready!
As it was a long flight (10 hours from Brussels to Atlanta and then onto Nassau, I doubt weÃÅ go again, at least not for 1 week.
Thanks for the trip report. Was the first dive operator, the in house Sheraton shop?

How was the condition of the reef? Colorful? Healthy? Bleached? Algae? Many fish? Many mature larger fish?

Any other information on Stuarts would be appreciated.

I dove with Stuarts back in April and have to agree with the assessment. Definitely safety oriented, and willing to work with the divers so they get what they want. I also agreed that the shark dive was fun, and the dive before was a great lead in.....
I dive with Stuart Cove's twice a year on average, I find them to be quite reliable, safe, and I like the diving in Nassau (even though the lionfish are taking over quickly). I also like that they take pics of your dive and have them available for purchase (reasonable $$ too) before you even have your gear off the boat.
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Thanks for the trip report. Was the first dive operator, the in house Sheraton shop?

How was the condition of the reef? Colorful? Healthy? Bleached? Algae? Many fish? Many mature larger fish?

Any other information on Stuarts would be appreciated.

Was the first dive operator, the in house Sheraton shop?
no, Bahama Divers is independent
How was the condition of the reef? Colorful? Healthy? Bleached? Algae? Many fish? Many mature larger fish?
the reef seemed healthy to me; honestly, I pay more attention to the fishes than the flora! There was an abundance of reef fishes; my wife saw moray eel swimming around, turtle, sharks, lion fishes all over, wrecks of boats and planes; I never had the impression of a boring dive.
And BTW, SC provides nitrox, which BD doesn't.
Hi, looking for information if anyone has dove in Nassau in the
Bahama's, specifically Crystal Cay & Blue Lagoon. Thanks
Brice & Debra
I saw a parrot fish I had never seen before; green, very big with about half of its body brown; not in my fish book!


Hi Desperoadie,

Glad you had a nice time at SC. I dove with them this spring over 4 days and had a blast.

Parrotfishes go through several changes in color, shape, and markings as they mature. The parrotfish you saw was the terminal phase of the rainbow parrotfish. I love this phase--so big and dramatically colored!

Paradise Hunter, if you click back a page on the Bahamas forum, you'll find a couple threads on SCs and also dining in Nassau that might be helpful.

I took a couples dives with SC and Bahamas Divers. BD was a waste time. I also did the shark dive with SC and would agree with the OP that the first dive ( not the shark one) was the best.

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