I am helping a friend sell his gear since he has gotten out of diving. He has a lot to sell. See my other listings for more gear and I will be adding more daily. Some items may be cross posted and I have listed condition for each item. When referencing an item, please include the green item # in your inquiry. If you include your zip code, I can give you a shipping quote. I accept PayPal and Zelle.
I have multiple listings on ScubaBoard. Scroll down to my signature area to see direct links to all my marketplace listings.
#69 Apeks XTX200 1st stage yoke with Apeks XTX50 2nd stages, Dive Rite SPG SOLD
#70 Apeks APX200 Tungsten 1st stage yoke with Apeks APX50 2nd stage, ScubaPro S560 2nd stage, no SPG. I can convert to conventional length setup at no charge (used excellent condition--all life support should be serviced before use) $400
#71 Dive Gear Express DIN-Yoke adapter (new) $15
#72 Dive Gear Express DIN-Yoke adapter (new) $15
#73 XS Scuba Standard Fill Checker yoke PSI/BAR (new in package) SOLD
#74 Dive Right In Scuba 1000 lumen 3-C cell light with SS clip (used excellent) SOLD
#75 Dive Right In Scuba 1000 lumen 3-C cell light with SS clip (used excellent) SOLD
#76 Dive Right In Scuba 1000 lumen 1K Shorty 3 AA cell light with SS clip (used excellent) SOLD
#77 Dive Right In Scuba 1000 lumen 1K Shorty 3 AA cell light with SS clip (used excellent) SOLD
#78 Titanium 6" overall length knife and sheath (new) $15
#79 HOG 2" Black face SPG w/ spool (new in box) $50
#80 HOG 2" Black face SPG w/ spool (new in box) $50
#81 HOG 2" Black face SPG w/ spool (new in box) $50
#82 Manta Mini Pony bottle gauge PSI (Have 2 available new in box) $12ea
#83 Promate Safety stop Anchor (new in package) $15
#84 O-ring kit with 2 picks Buna (new in box) SOLD
#85 Tektite Mark Lite white light tank marker (used excellent) $6
#86 Tektite Mark Lite white light tank marker (used excellent) $6
#87 Lift Bag (appears to be 50-75# lift) (great condition--brass clip shows green spots from water) SOLD
I have multiple listings on ScubaBoard. Scroll down to my signature area to see direct links to all my marketplace listings.
#69 Apeks XTX200 1st stage yoke with Apeks XTX50 2nd stages, Dive Rite SPG SOLD
#70 Apeks APX200 Tungsten 1st stage yoke with Apeks APX50 2nd stage, ScubaPro S560 2nd stage, no SPG. I can convert to conventional length setup at no charge (used excellent condition--all life support should be serviced before use) $400
#71 Dive Gear Express DIN-Yoke adapter (new) $15
#72 Dive Gear Express DIN-Yoke adapter (new) $15
#73 XS Scuba Standard Fill Checker yoke PSI/BAR (new in package) SOLD
#74 Dive Right In Scuba 1000 lumen 3-C cell light with SS clip (used excellent) SOLD
#75 Dive Right In Scuba 1000 lumen 3-C cell light with SS clip (used excellent) SOLD
#76 Dive Right In Scuba 1000 lumen 1K Shorty 3 AA cell light with SS clip (used excellent) SOLD
#77 Dive Right In Scuba 1000 lumen 1K Shorty 3 AA cell light with SS clip (used excellent) SOLD
#78 Titanium 6" overall length knife and sheath (new) $15
#79 HOG 2" Black face SPG w/ spool (new in box) $50
#80 HOG 2" Black face SPG w/ spool (new in box) $50
#81 HOG 2" Black face SPG w/ spool (new in box) $50
#82 Manta Mini Pony bottle gauge PSI (Have 2 available new in box) $12ea
#83 Promate Safety stop Anchor (new in package) $15
#84 O-ring kit with 2 picks Buna (new in box) SOLD
#85 Tektite Mark Lite white light tank marker (used excellent) $6
#86 Tektite Mark Lite white light tank marker (used excellent) $6
#87 Lift Bag (appears to be 50-75# lift) (great condition--brass clip shows green spots from water) SOLD
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