Question Reference Material for Marine Life and Diving in the Adriatic (Albania) for UW Photographer's use

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I'll be participating in an underwater photography championship in Albania (Vlora, Radhime) later this year in October and I'd like to get hold of reference material (books) related to marine life in Adriatic. I need this material to learn what to expect in terms of marine life and the peculiarities/habits of the local marine life around Albania's shores. I also need information on the diving there during October there please.

I have several Marine life id books and references for the Mediterranean but I am not sure if there are differences in the environment between the Adriatic and the Med. Are there species in the Adriatic by Albania that are peculiar to that area and not present in the Med.? Are there marine life species present in the Med. but not in the Adriatic?

Anyone from that area, the Adriatic, please let me know how I can get more information about marine life in the Adriatic, especially along the Albanian coastline.

The championship will be taking place in mid coming October. Please let me know what the water conditions, including temperature, will be that time of the year along the Albanian coast. If there is other information to help in preparing for the competition during that time of the year in Albania, please let me know.

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