refer friends

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Mako Mark

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
-36.655097° 174.654207°
just trying to swell the ranks of SB a little and was told I don't have the privilege to use the refer friends button, whats up with that??
cancun mark:
just trying to swell the ranks of SB a little and was told I don't have the privilege to use the refer friends button, whats up with that??
They are a good judge of character:D
I read "reefer friends".....
I think reefer is illegal.
cancun mark:
just trying to swell the ranks of SB a little and was told I don't have the privilege to use the refer friends button, whats up with that??
Mark, you have to have friends to refer them here :wink:

Is that another new button, i have so many now i dont know what to do with them! I see it now under the scubaboard menu in the portal skin (where FAQ's etc are) - it appears i have no friends either as i am not privaledged enough :crying: :handball:
Mark, you have to have friends to refer them here :wink:

Is that another new button, i have so many now i dont know what to do with them! I see it now under the scubaboard menu in the portal skin (where FAQ's etc are) - it appears i have no friends either as i am not privaledged enough :crying: :handball:

I guess people like you and me need a refer other people whether they like us or not button

you don't look for it, man, you just groove until it finds you, man, you got to
be ready for it, man

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