Reefmaster Sealife 1.3 mp photos

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Reaction score
Once upon a time in Micronesia, but now bubbling i
# of dives
500 - 999
Here are some photos I took this summer before upgrading to my current setup. I used a Reefmaster 1.3 megapixel camera with one Reefmaster external strobe. Not a bad starter kit and I managed to squeeze it for all it was worth, but from the beginning I itched for more pixels. All photos copyright 2003 by Marlo Sarmiento.

First photo taken in Palau of chevron barracuda schooling at the Blue Corner.
Snaggletooth, a 5 foot long terminal male humphead wrasse at the Blue Corner, Palau
Jellyfish in the marine lake, Palau
Trumpetfish waiting in ambush in gorgonian sea fan.

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