Recommendations: June-July diving/snorkelling

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Dear divers,

Could you please recommend some dive and snorkel/freedive sites in Thailand in June-July?
I'm a novice diver (OW) and we just want to do some relaxed dives with nice sea life.
I do realize this is not the best period to dive in Thailand.
We'll certainly be going to koh tao, but other than that?

Kind regards,
Hi Dovvie. If you're already planning to go to Koh Tao, snorkeling near there and perhaps at Ang Thong National Marine Park nearby, but want to go to another place in addition, I would suggest coming to Phuket, staying here or perhaps on Racha Island. At that time of year the wind will be blowing out of the west, and Racha Island has many nice bays perfect for snorkeling on its eastern side, protected from the wind-blown waves. You can visit these bays on boats from Phuket or of course from Racha itself.
Thank you for replying.
We looked into going to Phuket, but Koh Lanta and Krabi seem more interesting. Is it possible to dive near there during june/july?
Many of the boat operators on Lanta and in Krabi close down at that time of year. A limited number will keep operating. There will be no snorkeling from shore, and even swimming off the beaches may be dangerous since the places you will be staying are all westward facing and these beaches are subject to rip currents during the windy season. Many people try to avoid the crowds that are sometimes a problem on Phuket, but in the summer it's not especially crowded, and our boats operate year round; anyway, that was why I mentioned Koh Racha. It's near Phuket, has good snorkeling and swimming right in the island's east-facing bays, and is not even as built up as Lanta.
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More and more businesses on Lanta are staying open all year round these days, including the dive centres. Lanta has access to Koh Ha, which is a perfect location for snorkelling, and relaxed gentle dives. Koh Ha is a group of five islands, so it's also easy to find a sheltered location with flat seas once you get there. These islands do require a boat trip from Lanta. Maybe contact the dive centres there and ask them directly. I'd recommend Lanta Diver or Dive & Relax...
Thanks for all the replies!
Any locations besides koh tao in the gulf coast?

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