Recommendations for Costa Rica in late May

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Eastern Pennsylvania
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500 - 999
My wife won a trip for two from her work to CR for 5 days staying at the Four Seasons. We have decided to extend our trip for three more days staying at Playa Hermosa not far from the Four Seasons (just much cheaper).

I plan on diving from the Four Seasons and also get in some diving while at the next hotel. Anyone know what the water temps are like in late May? Best places to dive in that area?

Tips and hints would be appreciated,

Thats great - a free trip to Costa Rica! The water temps in May are anywhere from 70 -78 degrees. Diving Safaris is the Dive shop the Four Seasons uses and it is also the only dive shop in Playa Hermosa.... it is more expensive to dive through the hotel. If you are an experienced diver, you may want to go Bat Islands where there are bull sharks but you will need to do one local dive first.
if you make it up to Playas del Coco, you'll find a first class diveshop for a better price.
The local dive sites offer you the full range of marine life as well. Sharks, eagle rays, turtles and huge schools of jacks, grunts and snappers are seen on almost every dive.

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