Really hate the way my Hollis .....

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Orange Park, Florida
# of dives
5000 - ∞
I have a Hollis 212 and I really hate the way it whezzes underwater.

No matter how I adjust it, that thing just honks bad...........

Any suggestions ?
Time for service. Mine honked like a goose. 2 x 212s, both made crazy noises. After service seems to work okay.

Now using one as a deco reg, the other is my backup.
I have a Hollis 212 and I really hate the way it whezzes underwater.

No matter how I adjust it, that thing just honks bad...........

Any suggestions ?

Thanks for posting. Please give our customer service department a call - 888-383-DIVE. Sounds like its time for a service.
This is a brand new Reg ??? Why would it make it out the door like this?
I have a pair of 212's that started making noise after about 10 dives. Sent them in to Hollis and problem solved,something about lack of lube on first stage parts causing some harmonics.

They even added the fifth port while they were there!
Kinda funny after I said this was a new unit, HOLLIS all the sudden shut up.

But, Guess I need to send this puppy in.

It sucks the way it is, all my students say "what the heck is wrong with your reg" ?

I use OTHER regs for them and none of them make noise.

Bob C.
Kinda funny after I said this was a new unit, HOLLIS all the sudden shut up.

But, Guess I need to send this puppy in.

It sucks the way it is, all my students say "what the heck is wrong with your reg" ?

I use OTHER regs for them and none of them make noise.

Bob C.

Hi Bob,

Please see the above post by DiverMikey and our response to the original question. If you are experiencing something similar please refer this to our customer service department. We would like to get this sorted for you ASAP :wink: 888-383-DIVE


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