REALLY bad start to the year.

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Boater Dan

Reaction score
Western PA
# of dives
100 - 199
There has been a terrible start to the year in the Greater Pittsburgh area for drowning already. This past weekend, we had temperatures in the upper 80's and boating season was officially kicking off. Hopefully this trend will stop soon.

- Approximately 6 weeks ago, there were two fishermen went over a dam south of Pittsburgh in their fishing boat. One body surfaced in about 4 days, the other has not surfaced in 40 days. It is assumed he is hung up somewhere around the dam face or now down river. Recovery efforts are still on going for the second victim.

- While this first search was still underway, an individual decided to take a bridge not too far away from the first incident. He was recovered by dragging operations either the next day or two days later.

- Over this past weekend, a father of two 6 year old twin boys drowned while saving the one son who was swept from the shallows of the river by a strong current. He was able to push the son above the water where another individual was able to grab him and pull him to safety. A female companion who was with them jumped into assist was pulled out by some other individuals. She is in critical condition in a Pittsburgh hospital.

- This weekend, a fisherman decided to take a swim in the Monongehela River and went under. Our team was called to assist on this recovery yesterday. He was located by another team shortly before we hit the water.

- Yesterday afternoon, there was a boat flipped over on the Ohio River and one individual was able to make it to shore while another disappeared into the river. Search crews were headed back out again this morning.

To anyone who reads this post, PLEASE wear your life jackets. I have never recovered a body wearing a life jacket. The absolute rule on my personal boat is you do NOT go in the water without a life jacket. If you do not comply, you do not go on the boat.

Let's all be careful out there this summer.

Keep it safe BD.

There was another senseless boat accident south of us this past weekend that didn't involve a team.

36 yoa Dad, 34 yoa Mom, 12 yoa Son and a 12 yoa friend were boating on the Dworshak Reservoir. An expected storm came up so in order to stay dry and warm they pulled the “mooring” cover over the boat and kept going.

The boat was found by a passing Marine Deputy partially submerged with its bow up the bank. All four were still inside and the suspected cause of death is carbon monoxide poisoning.

So to go along with what BD said; while your wearing your PFD, after checking the local weather conditions, make sure there is plenty of ventilation in the passenger compartment of your vessel.

Patrol, Marine, Detective, Citizen or who ever WILL have a PFD on anytime they are on or near the water. That includes the divers. Unless you’re suited to dive, dry suit or not you will have a PFD on. The only exceptions are the survival suits.

Like BD said, wear a PFD. I have only recovered one wearing a Type 1 PFD. But that has been over a 30+ year period and it was a Navy operation. It was my very first one.

Gary D.
We appreciate what you guys do and know it is hard to pull bodies lifeless from the water. I grew up around water and have almost drowned at least a couple times in my life. Once my brother saved me, and the others well...there was no one to save us but ourselves. We should have been wearing lifejackets on the boat when we got trapped on the inside of at least a 20 swell as it started to break. That would be considered a near miss, considering we were out filming for a wrongful death lawsuit that happened in the same place. We at least now know what happened to them, but brought the evidence forward as a professional witness.

We spend a lot of time on the water wakeboarding and boating in general. I am one who often goes on forums like these and promotes wearing a USCG approved lifejacket for water towed sports. On the other hand I can not see wearing a lifejacket when swimming. There is risk in everything we do. Please choose when to protect, and becareful to not over protect especially your own or they will rebel and do the exact opposite. Although if they can't swim and are within 15 feet of a body of water Type I all the way :wink:

Alcohol is a major factor too and something not to be taken lightly. The statistic is "In fact, 50% of all boating fatalities are alcohol related".From Here Sounds like it would be better to stop the drinking. I am glad the people I wakeboard with do not even drink, while on a boat. Unfortunately the people around us we can not control.
I must also stress the importance of wearing a PFD.

Wearing the PFD raises the likelyhood of survivial greatly and in those cases where there is major injury or illness that causes death anyway the PFD make recovery much faster, easier and safer.

I really don't like losing rescue people trying to find a body.
Boater Dan:
There has been a terrible start to the year in the Greater Pittsburgh area for drowning already. This past weekend, we had temperatures in the upper 80's and boating season was officially kicking off. Hopefully this trend will stop soon.

- Over this past weekend, a father of two 6 year old twin boys drowned while saving the one son who was swept from the shallows of the river by a strong current. He was able to push the son above the water where another individual was able to grab him and pull him to safety. A female companion who was with them jumped into assist was pulled out by some other individuals. She is in critical condition in a Pittsburgh hospital.

To anyone who reads this post, PLEASE wear your life jackets. I have never recovered a body wearing a life jacket. The absolute rule on my personal boat is you do NOT go in the water without a life jacket. If you do not comply, you do not go on the boat.

Let's all be careful out there this summer.


Unfortunately, the woman who attempted to assist in the drownings past away this weekend in her Pittsburgh Hospital. Too many drownings in a short period of time.

PLEASE WEAR YOUR LIFE JACKETS. Put the Public Safety Divers out of business. We won't care!
And never, never, never, never underestimate the insidious nature of hypothermia !!!!

Back when I used to whitewater kayak a lot, I'd take my boat to a favorite partying location, named "Diving Rock", on the Chatahoochee River north of Atlanta.

Party rafters would float down the "Hooch" and tie off on the west bank. The good ole boys who'd been drinking all day long would swim, or try to swim, across the 68 degree waters to the opposite side of the river, probably a good 150 yards.

About half way across, one could see the pace of the swim strokes slow down, and shortly thereafter just dog-paddling.

At that point I'd paddle out to the swimmer, toss him/her a ring buoy that I'd attached by a line to my stern grab loop, and tow him/her back to the shore.

The first thing the swimmer would say was, "I didn't realize the water was that cold!".

It'll suck the life right out of you.

And wear your PFD !!!

the K
I went fishing twice this weekend, my boy who is two was with me both times, didnt go on a boat and the water was shallow by the bank, but that didnt matter to me, I still had him in a PFD and anytime we are ON the water I WILL wear one too! I think my PSD training has a bit to do with that :D

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