Re-Dedication to my wife

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Scuba Instructor
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I would like to thank Rick Inman for his recent post as it inspired me to repeat a dedication I made to my wife Andrea during my retirement ceremony speech after 20 years with the USCG.

Andrea lit up my life just as I finished my first 4 years of service. We moved 5 times during the next 16 years. I spent 10 of those 16 years at sea with many months away from home each year. We took up diving after I retired, but I expect she never thought it would become the extreme hobby that it is today. I will never understand how she was able to raise our daughter mostly alone, move the household goods, not get too worried when I was away on a narcotics interdiction patrols where she had no clue as to what ocean I was in. She always watched as we went to sea in stormy conditions - And then she let me take up diving.

Andrea does dive with me when its recreational, but if it's a deep dive or a cavern dive - she sits patiently waiting at the surface for my return - always with a smile. Cave diving is next, and she just smiles and tells me to have fun in that next class.

I have never been good at things like this - but I found an article that has been circulated over the years and is well read in military circles. When I read it I knew it was the definition of my wife. This was what I read and dedicated to her on 14 June 1991.

So Andrea, again this is for you

When God Created The Military Wife​

The Good Lord was creating a model for military wives and was into his sixth day of overtime when an angel appeared. She said, "Lord, you seem to be having a lot of trouble with this one. What’s wrong with the standard model?"

The Lord replied, "Have you seen the specs on this order? She has to be completely independent, possess the qualities of both father and mother, be a perfect hostess to 4 or 40 with an hour’s notice, run on black coffee, handle every emergency imaginable without a manual, be able to carry on cheerfully, even if she is pregnant and has the flu, and she must be willing to move to a new location 10 times in 17 years. And oh yes, she must have six pairs of hands." The angel shook her head, "Six pair of hands? No way!"

The Lord continued, "Don’t worry, we will make other military wives to help her. And we will give her an unusually strong heart so it can swell with pride in her husband’s achievements, sustain the pain of separations, beat soundly when it is overworked and tired, and be large enough to say "I understand" when she doesn’t and say, ‘I love you’ regardless".

"Lord," said the angel, touching his arm gently "Go to bed and get some rest. You can finish this tomorrow". "I can’t stop now", said the Lord "I am so close to creating something unique. Already this model heals herself when she is sick, can put up six unexpected guests for the weekend, wave goodbye to her husband from a depot, pier or runway and understand why it’s important that he leave."

The angel circled the model of the military wife, looked at it closely and sighed, "It looks fine, but it’s too soft". "She might look soft", replied the Lord, "but she has the strength of a lion. You would not believe what she can endure."

Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the Lord’s creation. "There’s a leak", she announced. "Something is wrong with the construction. You are trying to put too much into this model."

The Lord appeared offended at the angel’s lack of confidence. "What you see is not a leak", he said, "It’s a tear." "A tear? What is it there for?", asked the angel. The Lord replied, "It’s for joy, sadness, pain, disappointment, loneliness, pride and a dedication to all the values that she and her husband hold dear." "You are a genius!" exclaimed the angel.

The Lord looked puzzled and replied, "I didn’t put it there".

author unknown
Great Message!

Having a great wife is truly a gift from God. Thirty years into this marriage and she is still my lovely bride! In addition, she loves to dive with me! Life just can not get any better! At least until my grandkids want to dive!

That is beautiful. Your wife sounds like an amazing woman, and she should be praised for the things that she has done...

I think I speak for all the women out there when I say that it means more then most anything to us to know that were appreciated and loved. You did an excellent job of summing that up. :)
I want a wife.
Excellent tribute, Gilless!

My wife followed me around for 14 years on active duty. After I got out, she took care of things for another three, while I was going to school full-time during the day and working second shift at night. Wives are tremendous assets and many do not get hte appreciation and respect they deserve.

I look back over the picture of my wife hauling around three kids to Christmas parties out in Westhampton Beach. Holding the fort while I was gone nine months out of the year, and am amazed that she still is with me!

She has always been on a pedestal and I try to keep her there. I didn't always verbalize it but knew that she kept everything in order while duty called. This year is 32 years for us, all the way from high school.

I couldn't ask for a better woman. Now, only if she dove....:D (just kidding, dear!!)

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