How close do I have to be without a strobe? I have also heard that the strobe only adds about another foot or so.
1, Is the additional foot story true? (Note, I realize that the strobe, being moved off the camera gives a primary advantage of reduced backscatter and much better light along with filling in the dark corner that the onboard flash creates in closer shots).
2, Does a strobe like the inon s- 2000 coordinate with the manual control sets on the G 12?
Thalass, if you are reading this and laughing, I don't blame you, already the madness is setting in.
1, Is the additional foot story true? (Note, I realize that the strobe, being moved off the camera gives a primary advantage of reduced backscatter and much better light along with filling in the dark corner that the onboard flash creates in closer shots).
2, Does a strobe like the inon s- 2000 coordinate with the manual control sets on the G 12?
Thalass, if you are reading this and laughing, I don't blame you, already the madness is setting in.