Suggestion Quick-Subscribe Option?

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
# of dives
1000 - 2499
I have searched but been unable to find this in the Suggestions postings so here goes.

I usually choose to subscribe to a thread after I've read all or most of it. It would be very convenient to have a "quick subscribe" button or menu option that recorded the subscription in my top subscriptions folder, using the default notification, without having to wait for a screen that lets me choose a folder and subscription notification protocol, then wait for a confirmation screen, then wait for the thread to re-display.

In other words, I'd be pleased for the subscription to be recorded behind the scenes. Perhaps that's not practical. I would guess your databases passed humongous years ago.

Thanks for keeping it up and running,
I may have found a hack that would work for quick subscribe but I'll need to test it first.
Wow. Talk about service. And after Midnight, unless I miss my guess.

Can you do something about the state of my keyboard? :D

'lawrence, let me know privately if you need any help testing whatever hack you've come up with.

Best regards,

PS. That's some new avatar. For someone who's mostly harmless, you look a lot like Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still.
That's a lot of testing going on.
PS. That's some new avatar. For someone who's mostly harmless, you look a lot like Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Ummm. Google this: Battlestar Galactica Cylon
Showing my age, I guess. Saw the original Earth Stood Still in the theatre (admittedly, some years after it was made). BSG is beyond me, even though that's my initials. :D

In other words, I'd be pleased for the subscription to be recorded behind the scenes. Perhaps that's not practical. I would guess your databases passed humongous years ago.
I may have found a hack that would work for quick subscribe but I'll need to test it first.
Unfortunately, the hack doesn't work.
No problem, 'lawrence, and thanks much for trying. Just file it at the bottom of the "nice to have" list.


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