Question about liveaboard diving in and around the Similans

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Boston, MA
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0 - 24
Hi Everybody,

Just joined the Scubaboard; awesome site here!! So my first post:

My girlfriend are going to be in Phuket in Feb and were hoping to do a liveaboard a 4D/4N trip to the Similans, Koh Bon, Koh Tachaci, etc. There seem to be several companies and boats that offer these trips.

1. We are both novice divers, but feel pretty comfortable with buoyancy control, etc. However, the issue is that my girlfriend has difficulty equalizing sometimes, and we have heard that a lot of these dives are quite deep. In fact, most of the companies recommend doing a Deep Water certification (which of course, they offer on their trips!). Because she has difficulty equalizing, it can take her longer to get to even shallow depths (even 10 m or so, sometimes), let alone deeper ones. We don't want to invest money on a four day trip and a) not have her be able to enjoy herself and have an amazing time, and b) slow others down. One of the dive companies we have contacted recommended that we pay for our own dive master who will stay with us in shallower water (i.e. < 18 m), and surprisingly it's financially quite reasonable to do so. So we're totally fine with that, but will she/ we still be able to see stuff at these shallower depths in these regions (i.e. Similans, Koh Bon, Koh Tachaci, Richlieu Rock - you know, the circuit)? I would hate for her to miss out on all the beauty of the reefs, marine life, etc., if they are mostly at deeper depths. Now if there is plenty of stuff to see at shallower depths, then that's awesome, and we'll pull the trigger, get our own dive master etc. However, if she'd really be missing out most of the beauty of these places, maybe we should think about something else.... What do you guys think about all this? Any suggestions?

2. Given you think the personal dive master is a good call, and that she'd have an awesome time at shallower depths, can anyone recommend a good liveaboard?

3. If you think that maybe we should skip this trip because she won't enjoy herself, do you have any other recommendations to do a few days of diving in the region (either day trips or liveaboard)? And when I say region, we're pretty darn flexible. My g/f lives in Singapore, so we could elsewhere... Not Sipidan though, cuz the permit situation seems out of control, and not guaranteed at all!!

4. And finally (and I know this is not the forum for this, so I'll also search elsewhere - feel free to ignore this)- anyone have any good links for equalizing!?!

Thanks a lot guys!
Div & Mara
Let me start with the equalizing:
It may help to start equalizing one time at the surface just before going down. Go down slowly, feet first and equalize not less than once every meter. It may help to wiggle the jaw and to swallow while equalizing. Any moment she can not equalize she should stop her decent, go up a little bit and try again.

The Similans islands have some great-easy-shallow sites and also more challenging dives. You should know that both Koh Bon's and Koh Tachai's main sites are quite exposed to current and fairly deep as well. Tachai's "Twin Peaks" is a pinnacle and starts at 12 meters and Koh Bon's "Ridge" is attached to a short wall and starts at about 15 meters depth.
Koh Bon does have nice things to see in the shallower areas and is a fairly easy dive if one starts close to the wall or in the bay areas. Koh Tachai's "Twin Peaks" can be a tough dive when the current runs,even when following the mooring line down.

Most dive sites in the Similan Islands have mooring lines leading directly to the reef. Whenever possible you should ask the crew to drop you at the line and use the mooring as a means to get down to the reef slowly. Doing a free descent in the Similans (or anywhere else for that matter) when the current runs should only be done by divers who are comfortable going down quickly.

Having your own DM sounds great. In your case I can highly recommend to get your own DM and dive separate from the other divers on the boat.
I've personally dove with Khao Lak Scuba Advertures twice and loved it both times. A lot of people are diving now with Wicked who are like a boutique operator with natural soaps and small groups.. you know, little touches.
Div & Mara, the best information about middle ear equalization for scuba divers that I've come across is here. Dr. McKay (the author) also has a streaming video that discusses and explains what goes on in the ear when we dive.

Beyond that, it's a tough call whether your girlfriend will be frustrated on a Similans liveaboard. Last season I had a customer with a very similar problem. The shallowest depths are the most problematic, and once a diver reaches about 8 meters/26 feet, it typically becomes easy to clear since the pressure differentials become less pronounced. It would take my diver up to 15 minutes to get down to 8 meters/26 feet. And yes, as mentioned above, she was best able to descend if she was on a line. It was also extremely helpful for her to be able to refer to a dive computer so that she didn't descend too far before pausing to clear. She and her daughter dived together with a private DM. And yes, she did skip a lot of dives. However, she was thrilled with the dives she was able do, though I know that she experienced a degree of frustration.

With up to four dives a day on a liveaboard, you can expect a very intense experience. And for people with "problem" ears, so much diving without a break between dive days may not be possible. If in the end you decide not to do the liveaboard, there is plenty of very good daytrip diving from Phuket. You could dive every other day that way and let her ears recover in between dive days.

I would second the idea of a consultation with a diving specialist who knows ears just to check things out.
Thank you very much for your honest and helpful responses! We really appreciate it; it's a big trip for us (our first liveaboard), and I just want to make sure my girlfriend has a good time!! Instead of a 4D/4N itinerary, I think we may do a 3D/2N trip. It's not as many dives, cheaper, and maybe a little easier on her ears. Plus, it never hurts to get some extra time on the beaches of Phuket!
Best, Div

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