quality of sea elite lights?

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Has anyone used, or know anything about the sea elite canister lights? Theey SEEM to be built well, at a pretty good price.
They are actually Salvo lights built by Barry Miller, so I would say they are very good quality.

wow! I had no idea. for the price I underseand it's a heck of a light. Thanks so much for your help!
Has anyone used, or know anything about the sea elite canister lights? Theey SEEM to be built well, at a pretty good price.

I've got one and used it a few times. Everyone seems to agree that they are made my Salvo; the canister is just like the one's on his web-site, the light-head is a little different since the sea-elite is not focusable.

I wish I could give you some objective comparisons to other lights, however, I don't have much first-hand experience with other HID's. I may get to see it side by side with other lights this weekend; if I do, I'll post a followup.

It seems plenty bright to me. It may have a bit wider beam compared to others' I have seen. My reg buddy has the same light; we are able to signal without any problems.
Glad to hear the good comments! I bought one yesterday, and should have it in the next couple of days. I just could not passup the price, $449.00 for a good quality can light is a steal, considering what comperable lights are going for. I was able to find a little more about the line, and its maker, and was pleasantly surprised to find they are made by the former designer for lighting for Halcyon. Seems like a win win!
Just got my new light, and it honestly looks better than I thought it would. The fit and finish is really very nice, and appears to be a well made unit. Im going to try it out tomorrow, and cant wait to see how it does. However, it came with no instruction, and a couple of extra fuses. I "assume" they go in at the light head connection, anyone know for sure?
I "assume" they go in at the light head connection, anyone know for sure?

Well, actually, I assumed they were the in-line fuses for the charger.

I got to use my light in a cave yesterday. I was happy with the way it lit things up, but I did not get to compare it to any of the "big" lights.
I was able to find a little more about the line, and its maker, and was pleasantly surprised to find they are made by the former designer for lighting for Halcyon. Seems like a win win!

Just a note: You may want to refrain from mentioning Barry Miller and "H" in the same breath.

...as you were

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