quacker with adjustable pitch?

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Doral, FL
does anyone have a similar problem? When I dive with my instructor's friends, who are all either instructors, or AI.. almost everyone's got a quacker.. problem? Everyone sounds just about the same! So, is there a quacker that has an adjustable pitch? So I can tell who's quacking by pitch?

Maracas don't work either because they all sound alike too.. Or better yet.. how about an electronic beeping device that does combinations of pitches. Kinda like a personal ringtone.
does anyone have a similar problem? When I dive with my instructor's friends, who are all either instructors, or AI.. almost everyone's got a quacker.
Oh my gosh, what a nightmare!!!

Bangers, quackers, whistles, beepers, scratchers, bumpers, clickers - would everyone please just be quiet!!

...ah...that's better.

Thank you.
well, you're definitely right.. lol
but I'm just saying, IF you needed to get attention to communicate. It's especially hard with a GROUP of people.

but yeah, you nailed it. HEHEHE.
Perhaps you should solve the problem instead of throwing gear at it?
Perhaps you should solve the problem instead of throwing gear at it?
But that might take effort and cut into the beer drinking time.
What are the quackers for any ways? Do you send morse code with them? Why not loose the quackers and anyone with a quacker as well. Quack, Quack, got AFLAK, Quack. I usually carry a couple of sticks of dynamite, if lighting those off doesn't get me some attention then I poke their tanks with my bang stick. Here is an idea, replace all those tank bangers with blasting caps just for the fun of it, those will produce a solid kathump that is bound to be a crowd pleaser. N
well, the whole point is to be able to maintain communication within a group of people without having constant eye contact.. The instructor group I dive with use quackers for class too. It's useful when an instructor needs to contact an AI at the end of a row of AOW students going up a mouring line, etc. and sometimes, as a DM candidate, I need to get the instructor's attention without swimming past the entire group.

Definitely not a necessity. Just for those "well, that's a bit of a swim" type situations. That's why I'm wondering if there's anything better than a normal quacker. If not, I don't want one. cuz alot of the times, it's confusing for me too when the instructor and the AI quack at the same time, with the same pitch and tone..
My husband and I bought a couple of the H2Yo noise makers. We don't use them very often because we both prefer the quiet, but we have them to get eachother's attention for super special critters or urgent situations.

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