Puerto Viejo Costa Rica

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25 - 49
diving march 17th-26th my buddy may be ditching me and may be stuck alone, anyone headign that way that time? wont hang all the time but it would be nice to see a little of the night life and maybe do a zipline tour... or kayak tour.. there are some nice reserves, and beaches and diverse wildlife down there
any way never traveled out of country on my own before and im nervous and scared being a chick on my own.. any reccommendations helpful iv'e locked in a place to stay... so changing locations is not an option for me at this point unless i want to lose money...anyway i'm sure i'll have a ggod time, just wont do the night life....
I've stayed in Puerto Voejo sola before with no problems. I would recommend Hotel Puerto Viejo. The night life is pretty laid back and if you stick near the center and don't go wandering dwn any dark raods at night on your own you should have a great time.

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