Puerto Vallarta Diving (Pacific Scuba)

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I dove on two different days with Pacific Scuba in Puerto Vallarta Mexico in April of 2005. I booked the trip thru Amigotours.com and got a great price (cheaper than the posted rates). The boats were pangas, (not cattle boats), the rental equip appeared newer (I used my own), lunch was great and the divemaster, captain, and owner were great people. They will do everything for you or let you do things on your own (equip set up). No complaints, just some suggestions. If you want to dive other than beginner diving spots, be sure to book early and tell them that you are interested in adv. diving spots. They need 4 to 5 divers to go to the adv. dive spots. I ended up diving at two different beginner spots and saw basically about the same thing. I wish I would have know and I would have requested to go to adv. dive spots. I heard that diving in PV and the Pacific Ocean was not good. I disagree. It was colder than the Caribbean but I saw so many different forms of sea life. I was amazed. My husband (non-diver) went along for one of the boat rides and also had a good time. Lots to see, even if you don't go under. They let non-divers snorkle while the divers go down. I would highly recommend diving with Pacific Scuba when vacationing in Puerto Vallarta Mexico.

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