PT-010 Question (Just Got It...)

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Aggie Diver

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Plano, TX
# of dives
200 - 499
Question of curiosity.

I just got my PT-10 in and there's two little what appear to be cracks in the housing.

I'm not sure if they are cracks or just flaws from the manufacturing processes (like a gouge and not so much a crack), and am trying to figure out if that's reason for concern and to return the housing.

Thoughts? Anyone else have anything similar?

Aggie Diver once bubbled...
Question of curiosity.

I just got my PT-10 in and there's two little what appear to be cracks in the housing.

I'm not sure if they are cracks or just flaws from the manufacturing processes (like a gouge and not so much a crack), and am trying to figure out if that's reason for concern and to return the housing.

Thoughts? Anyone else have anything similar?


Where are these 'cracks'? Inside? Outside? In a molded corner?

Mine has a small 'wrinkle' in the polycarbonate on one of the inside corners and it's fine.
One is one the top of the case. It starts on the main part of the housing and goes about about a quarter of an inch out on the column of one of the screws that holds the flash deflector in place (it doesn't look like it pentrates it, but it's there).

The other one is on the inside of the case. When you open up the case and you stare at teh back, there is some plastic inside raised up off the case that basically frame the LCD area (one piece runs vertical and two run horizontal).

Sort of like this...

| Viewport window

The crack is at the intersection on the bottom (where I put the astrick).

The one inside looks more like a crack than the other one, but the one outside is more of a concern to me as it seems like it would be one of the fail points.

Trying to figure out if I need to send this back.

The one on the diffuser leg wouldn't be much of a concern but the spot by the LCD window is.

I think I would return it. Better to be safe than sorry. You'll also have the return documented if there IS a problem.

And don't got your peace of mind!
My PT-010 does not have any cracks like you've described. I would return yours. One drop of salt water can ruin your camera. One drop... I'd return it.

If you are unsure, put a soft weight in the housing (without the camera of course) and take it to the pool to see if it leaks. I recommend that everyone does this with any new housing, regardless of type or manufacturer.

Safe diving and happy shooting (pictures).
I wouldn't test it in the pool because your more than likely not going to have a problem at such a shallow depth. If you were going to test it then you would have to take it to max depth to get an accurate test. I would just send it back and get one that doesn't have any cracks. Mine doesn't have any cracks and I've had mine to 125 feet several without any problems.

Wreck Ranger
I would definitely heed Dee's suggestion ..... DONT MESS AROUND WITH IT. Send it back with your concerns listed.

That housing has a bit of flex to it and if there is a crack it could easily worsen(spread), leak and even open up if it got bad enough.

That being said (and as Dee mentioned) sometimes there are "wrinkles" in the poly from the molding process and I dont think that would cause you any trouble....I have one in a housing ..... but the housing walls are also 3/8" thick so I dont need to worry about that.

Personally I would send it back .....why worry about the housing imploding on your camera.......Get some good equipment / flood insurance also (DEPP, DAN, PADI)
Thanks guys.

I actually found two more after that, so I've sent it back.

Sounds like that definitely wasn't the norm...


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