Proear2000 mask

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
West Coast USA
# of dives
500 - 999
Hi Girls,

My wife has difficulty clearing her ears and is hesitant to try SCUBA diving. We tried to use SNUBA a couple of years ago in Hawaii, but it turned in to a real disaster because the DM wasn't paying any attention and I was trying to drag the float so no one was paying much attention to her.

Anyway, the question is: have any of you tried the mask with the ear pockets that keeps the ears dry and is touted to make clearing easier? If you have please let me know what you thought of the mask. Also did it fit well? My wife has a small face and has been using a TUSA Mimi Kleio mask that is really made for youths.

Hi! I haven't seen anyone with that type of mask. Did she just descend too fast to clear properly? Was she wearing a hood? I haven't tried SNUBA so I don't know how that is actually set up. How well does she snorkel? Maybe just practicing in the pool might help? I will ask around and see if any of my buds have heard about these masks. Good Luck!

Happy Diving!
SNUBA is a fancy name for a Hooka rig where the tank is on the surface in a float. Because most certification agencies have not made a course for it yet, most dive operators treat is as a non-certified diver activity. In reallity, it is SCUBA diving with the tank somewhere other than your back.

And yes I had her do a resort course before we tried it.

Descend too fast, No. Chronic sinus problems. No hood.

Did ok on SCUBA in pool.

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