Problem with Buddy finder

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Reaction score
Alicante Spain
# of dives
200 - 499
Every time I try to put my lat and long into the buddy finder my pc crashes, it doesn't happen on any other sites or pages on this site just the buddy finder, maybee someone has embeded a bit of malicious code in there. System crashes are annoying, could cost me a lot of data. Anyone got any ideas as to the problem?
I'm not getting as far as entering the data, I move the cursor to the latitude box click and thats it, system crash
The buddy finder just uses google maps. There are no other reported problems with it. Do you have problems with google maps?
No problem with google maps, I just tried entering the lat and long of my house on google maps and it went strait to my house, I'm going to try entering on a public terminal later today and see what happens, just "hopefully" to eliminate any local problem in my pc.
That, or simply toss your cookies (user data). It's good to do from time to time anyway.

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