Pro Plus not showing correct pressure

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O' Oceanic Oracles...

I have a Datamax Pro Plus (NOT the 2) with the quick disconnect hose.
Over the last 20 or so dives the pressure shown at the start of dives is considerably less than is shown by an SPG. A full tank at 3200 psi can show up as low as 1200 psi or less!
Near the end of the dive it gets closer to reality. ie. the spg will show 500 and the pro plus will show 450.

Is there an obvious reason for this? I changed the battery about 30 dives (6 months) ago. Other than this problem and the fact that the download software will not run with any supported MS operating system (just 95 or ME) I like the computer.
Swapping out hoses to see if its the hose not the computer is impractical as I don't have a spare quick disconnect hose?

and Thanks!
Can't give you an answer, but I had the same thing happen once on my Pro Plus 2 in January in Belize. My computer showed about 1200 pounds on a supposedly full tank. No spares on board. DM gave me his tank, and he dove mine for about 40 minutes. He figured it had about 2100 pounds. I too await a certified Oceanic answer ..
Can't give you an answer, but I had the same thing happen once on my Pro Plus 2 in January in Belize. My computer showed about 1200 pounds on a supposedly full tank. No spares on board. DM gave me his tank, and he dove mine for about 40 minutes. He figured it had about 2100 pounds. I too await a certified Oceanic answer ..
Hmm.. This is supposed to be the Q&A for Scuba Manufacturers forum. I think that if there may be a lot of questions here, but if they are unable to handle them, they should do one of 2 things. .. nah .. forget that.. they should do one thing..
1. Get additional Oceanic eyes reading the forums and answer the questions and make it clear what the expectations should be for questions posted here.

I did send a private message to Doug as well. I don't expect miracles, but if filling out a form on the Oceanic web site is a better option, it should be made clear here. I like Oceanic products a lot, but as someone in the customer service world, I know that the # 1 issue in customer satisfaction is the perception of responsiveness, or lack of it.
Hi Frank,

My apologies for the late reply - my travel schedule is getting the better of me. This board and the information posted is an extremely valuable resource for users or potential users of our gear, as well as ourselves. I am in the process of recruiting additional staff to help out. Thanks for your patience.

Now to your Pro Plus:
I don't have an easy explanation; it will be best to get this back to us for evaluation and service. You can have this taken care of through a dealer or contact our Customer Service Department directly at (800) 435-3483.

You can find additional service and return information here:

Doug Krause:
Hi Frank,

My apologies for the late reply - my travel schedule is getting the better of me. This board and the information posted is an extremely valuable resource for users or potential users of our gear, as well as ourselves. I am in the process of recruiting additional staff to help out. Thanks for your patience.

Now to your Pro Plus:
I don't have an easy explanation; it will be best to get this back to us for evaluation and service. You can have this taken care of through a dealer or contact our Customer Service Department directly at (800) 435-3483.

You can find additional service and return information here:

Thanks Doug.. I know about the workload thing. We all need time for a life too.:)
I'll call Customer Service and have them look at it.
I'm right there with you Frank; I think I'll be calling Oceanic Customer Service on the morrow.

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