Pristine or unexplored dive sites.... where?

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I'm looking for "the best dives" somewhere in/near Asia. Everybody has their own opinion about what constitutes of good or bad but I'm interested in marine life (corals, fish, etc) rather than cool rock formations etc.

I've been to Sipadan and Bunaken and I think they are great, really great (I haven't yet been to Komodo, Raja Ampat or anywhere in Philippines... but will go to all within next few months). But I have to say I will be disappointed if there is no other place in Asia that would be even "better". I think I'm looking for something pristine or maybe so remote that it takes a very uncomfortable one week travel to get to but the diving will blow your mind.

I'm thinking that such place, if it does even exist, is either not yet explored (and then how can you help me?...) or known by only few. Perhaps the place is accessed only by some liveaboard that is the only one going there?

Any ideas? Or am I being totally daft or too vague for you to help me?
My opinion for such high expectations:

Nb I didn't rate Bunaken at all. Was average for me.

- lembeh because it's very unique and is one of the world critter capitals. Not many places you can see potentially 6 types of Pygmy seahorses, hairy frogfish, BRO etc with such high percentage chances

-Palau I thought was excellent. Great viz, tons of mantas, sharks incl big bulls, amazing scenery

-RA and Komodo I have heard are excellent. Big fish and macro, currents, corals

Maybe check out Halmahera as its quite unexplored I think. And if you have the cash, charter a boat and go explore PNG!! Surely PNG must have miles of unexplored reef systems. And I know the diversity there is one of the highest!
I think you need to hop on a liveaboard to Triton Bay, Indonesia!
Triton Bay is good destination but there are a few diving guides who really know those place. Without guides it takes a lot time to find really interesting places. I recommend visit RA. In RA are so many places for diving that I think you can dive there several month and every time find something new! komodo is wonderful too but RA is high level!!
Try contacting a few of the Bangka operators who have LOB options and seeing if you can get out to the sunken village and subsea volcanic vents in the Sanhige Archipeligo. If you are into soft corals and off the beaten path for some easy diving with different topography but a lot of plankton rich water to feed the sponge gardens have a look at Cubadak island off the west coast of Sumatra.

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