Posting pictures directly from your computer???

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Albany, New York
# of dives
100 - 199
Is it possible to post pictures directly uploaded from your computer, or do they first have to be moved to a on-line album first??
I'm sorry, but I'm not very tech savvy :(
Below the box where you write your post, there's a button marked "Upload a File". Click it, choose the file, click upload and click either insert as a thumbnail or insert full-size.
Is it possible to post pictures directly uploaded from your computer, or do they first have to be moved to a on-line album first??
I'm sorry, but I'm not very tech savvy :(
Copy and paste works very well on this format too. Mouse over your picture and click <Ctrl>& <C> then while in the thread hit <Ctrl> & <V>. It's incredibly quick and follows the MS protocol.
How about .MP4 (small video clip, < 30MB), how do I do that?
I believe you can follow Storker's instructions, of load it to YouTube first and then use that link when you click on the movie button. If you want it to be seen by lots of people, then this is the way to go.

On a Windows machine, adding a picture is even easier - open a new post or reply window here then another window on your computer with the image in it then just drag and drop it. In this case, this image was dragged over from File Explorer and my Pictures directory. I don't think I've done anything in my Profile Settings to make this work. Probably works on a Mac also, I don't own one to test with.
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Is there a file size limitation?
I believe it's 30MB. There's also a pixel restriction of 800x800 in a full-sized image in a post so the images don't make the forum wider.

I think if you want bigger images than that posting them as a thumbnail might work or post them first in our Gallery - the icon that looks like a camera is then used to insert them into a post.Since that then becomes an Attachment to a post, I believe those will be larger. Too large and you might want to think about watermarking them so no one steals them for their use/website etc.

To embed a video stored somewhere else online use the Media tag - the icon looks like 2 frames of a filmstrip. I use it all the time for HD Youtube and Vimeo videos - if there's a size limitation (I'm sure there is) it's pretty large because I haven't hit it yet with a 10min. video embed.
How about .MP4 (small video clip, < 30MB), how do I do that?

The server's Max File Upload size is set at 10MB.

The best way to share a video of any kind is to post it to YouTube, and embed the youtube link by clicking on the "Media" button from the icon bar (the film icon).

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