Suggestion Post I find offensive

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Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
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200 - 499
I wrote this to ‘report’ what I felt was an offensive post. Upon clicking report I see This is only to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Apparently I’ve misunderstood the earlier encouragement to report offensive posts. I’ve chosen Site Support, perhaps it can be relocated to a more appropriate forum.

To whom it may concern,
With all this hullabaloo about reporting vs responding as open discussion, I’m feeling compelled to report.
I am finding it quite a challenge to come up with bland descriptions to convey my opinions and thoughts. Under the impression anything I would like to say will be interpreted as violating TOS and in confusion over what is appearing to be easily, possibly frequently offended persons, possibly more prone to complain, and persons who simply state their opinion, enjoy reading what others think, and see little reason to complain due to the ability to allow for differences in opinion.

This current situation is not an isolated case. I have felt my treatment has been unfair in the past and did not officially complain just grumbled in private. I consoled myself that others were free to say what they think and we each had the right to our opinions. If others disagreed with me, so be it, it was, clearly with a bit of rational consideration, not a big deal.
I’ve also seen a number of other situations occurring throughout my extensive reading on quite a few forums where I’ve wondered if the treatment or consideration was fairly implemented. In fact far, far more times that I myself felt reason to complain of.
I understand things are changing, things slip by etc and my point is not to complain about the past and merely establishing the general context of my ‘reporting’.

Reading the thread where a person had an opinion not shared by most, continued to insist we, or our opinion’s, were wrong and IMO dug a deeper and deeper hole in his defense and instigated others to use less diplomatic tactics appears to wearing the white hat. I am unable to see the accused of violating wearing the black hat as he observed the hole being dug deeper and deeper.
Not having the benefit of seeing what was so anti TOS I could be mistaken on the atmosphere quality or the hat color so can only move forward with the information currently available.

Originally Posted by NetDoc
As for turning the other cheek, I consider that a way of life and try to embrace it. With four cheeks, I do a lot of turning on this forum.

That's fine for minor transgressions but what if someone punched you in the jaw? Should that be our response as a Christian society? Shall we leave ourselves undefended and let the terrorists blow up planes and buildings at will, hoping they will eventually feel bad about slaughtering us so easily?

I'm not a follower of Jesus by Andy's definition but then I reject his definition. I'm not prepared to get into a great theological debate but I think we need to be careful about interpreting the Bible or the words of Jesus literally. He spoke in parables to illustrate a point. He did not address many of the more complex issues and perhaps purposefully so.

Sure, he said to offer the other cheek but what if that cheek also gets slapped? Again and again. How many times do you keep turning the cheek? What if one is slapping your wife's cheek? Or your child's? I cannot believe that Jesus would have us as an individual or a society be defenseless. Jesus did not preach anarchy or absence of law and order.

I find this a trigger or inciting a response that I’m suspecting would be considered TOS compatible due to word choice perhaps, but mostly the flavor of the message as compatible to the above mentioned white hat.

I disagree very strongly with the rhetorical questions he has posted and offended as defined (some of) in my Webster’s Ninth (unpleasant.) I am also able to interpret he is implying violence or an attack type of offensive. I am very tempted to post my opinions of his and the issues mentioned.
I will not however as it appears to me it’s quite likely my opinions will be viewed as abusive as it disagrees or questions just as the black hat.

It could be a simple lack of communication skill that I’m unable to create even one sentence addressing his post; however I’m under considerable apprehension that anything short of agreement will be considered abusive, particularly by persons with the above stated opinions in light of the two on going threads and several of recent interpretation and handling.
While I am reporting this, my feelings and observations, I have no desire his post be removed, in fact request that it, as offensive as I find it, remain in the view of all members wishing to see what he thinks.
I do wish I felt comfortable sharing my opinions although as this fire is well under way I see no reason to add fuel or set one off somewhere else and distribute the attention on a number of fronts.

It is my understanding this board is wrestling with this, and I suppose other, complex issues. It is difficult to please all the people all the time. I am concerned the overall quality of the board may be reduced by encouraging and/or enforcing too stringent GP rated conversations. Were this a board created for elementary school children I think the direction it is headed would be more appropriate.
In light of the anonymity and absence of un-requested physical contact with other board members I fail to see where freedom to say what we think is…is…what? What is the problem? I’m feeling my freedom of speech within reasonable limits is attacked here. I am dismayed and saddened by what I am seeing is the current trend.

I have found almost two years of enlightenment, entertainment, education, friendship, good will and an enthusiasm for communicating here. Quite like a group of friends and acquaintances that continuously evolves and grows centered around any of the activities I’ve participated in with face to face contact.
Just as any group I’ve been involved with physically, it has people with common likes and beliefs as well as diametrically opposed, people with frequently valued opinions and those less acceptable to me. Some may join the group and become more commonly appreciated or feel unaccepted or shunned. Cliques form, people develop tight close friendships and some cross easily among many.
This is just like those; we join the conversations at will. The exception is, here we have a common desire to exist under water and most people are having their conversations at a keyboard and monitor instead of at a party or event and can follow more than one at a time.

I am not disagreeing with what is my understanding of what the TOS addresses but how and who it addresses. The impression I have is that there are a few party goers or guests that may not be as easily tolerated in this very large gathering and they are getting too much and too public attention. In an attempt to please the easily outrageously offended, the rest are muzzled.

It could be the current aim is to prohibit any discussions not directly related to scuba diving. If so I’ll be far less inclined to participate.
This is by no means implying a threat; I cannot imagine one more inconsequential and by participate I’m including the bulk of my time spent reading. I do wonder though; if there could be a significant number of like minded individuals, enough to seriously deteriorate the continuous flow and rapid response to the strictly related to diving issues.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to my concerns and give them consideration. This board has been a very high value resource for not only my newest source of enjoyment but in general.
Aloha nui loa,
Lisa Jensen

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