So a couple of weeks ago I was idiot and held my breath on my safety stop trying get get my dome cover of my camera on. I have a bad habit when focusing on a task of forgetting to breathe - on land, but never underwater. As soon as I ascended I was immediately struggling to breathe and told the crew to remove fins wetsuit and get me O2. By the time they’d got the 02 I thought I was overreacting and declined it. This seems like it was a mistaken. Since then, particularly in the morning, breathing requires real effort. It goes after an hour or so. I can feel quite scary. It’s two weeks now and it’s not resolving to a significant degree. Obvs I haven’t dived since. I have a long haul flight in 3 days and am slightly concerned. I wish I had gone oh the O2 immediately but pride got in the way. Any thoughts on what to do? After 2 weeks would a chamber dive even help?