Please Help Save our Ningaloo Reef in Australia

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Resort developers are threatening the fragile Eco System of the Reef by building a large resort on it's doorstep. The degradation this will cause either by mainland run-off or extra tourist traffic damage is incalculable.

Please read of this potential Eco disaster at:-

And add your name and post the form protest letter, plus any comments you'd like to make where it says 'How Can I help?'

We don't have many Reefs left in the World, and this one is sure worth saving!

Remember- The Power of ONE is Awesome when it is Many

Thank-you for posting that information. I went and explored the site and sent a letter. Ningaloo reef was the first place I ever dived, and I fell in love with not only the reef, but the totall lack of commercialization in Western Australia. I plan to get back there as soon as possible.
Not good news, I was planning to dive Ningaloo Reef either late this year or next year. Does anyone have any opinions on when the best time to dive Ningaloo is? Obviously, I would like to see the odd whale shark or two..also any recommendations as to which dive operators are the best? I am thinking of a liveaboard. Any info would be appreciated. Cheers!
I don't know when the best time is, but I was there in February once, and it was good. You might want to check though 'cause I remember when I went to the west coast I was a few months too early to catch the migrations of some things and a few months too late to catch others. I stayed at the YHA in Exmouth, and the Village Dive shop is right there at the hostel. It was a really nice place a km or so out of Exmouth.
Do you recall what the prices of dives were like when you were there? Did you go out on whole day trips or did the boats go back to shore after each dive? Incidentally how long ago was that? Coz I have heard that they now have mega touristy whale shark tours there ... (no doubt due to the influx of divers like myself who just NEED to see whale sharks...!!)

I'm there at the moment and having a ball! I work with one of the whale shark companies. If anyone wants any info on Ningaloo let me know.
This is the first time I have heard of this adorable creature! I wrote a letter (not that they will care what some potential American tourist has to say) because, IMHO natural treasures of the earth belong to all generations & all other living beings, not to whoever has the money to pave them over.

I hope that this reef & others threatened worldwide can be saved by our interest & attention. Blessings on the organizers of these moevements!

I work for a whale shark company here in Exmouth at Ningaloo and I tell you what


and the crew + videographer said it was the best trip they'd ever done!!! I couldn't be bothered typing it all out here because I'm putting in our July Ningaloo Watch newsletter (anybody want to sign up email me at but let's just see it involves mantas, fishballs, sandbar sharks, tuna, trevally, about 200 spinner dolphins, 2 very inquistive whale sharks, and crystal clear visibility. Best of all there was a videographer on board . . I'm trying to get him to digitise the footage . . .I watched it on the little screen on his camera and I'm telling you you'll be lucky if you ever see anything like it. I am so stoked. Ningaloo is as they say here GOIN OFF.

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