Hello all, long-time lurker from Germany here. I've been reading this board for some years and it's been most definitely a great source of information. I am looking for advice concerning a trip to Tulum for cave training in the cenotes. Finally, my first post! Hopefully I hit the right section... 
I originally planned doing this trip next year with a lot of preparation beforehand and with my regular local dive buddy. Unfortunately, my buddy pulled out for good. Furthermore, doing this trip this March or April (May max.), would fit into in my current life situation. Despite the little preparation time, I am thinking about pulling the trigger on this one and go alone.
The idea just emerged a few days ago. Haven't done any decent research yet but the clock is ticking. These are the main topics I am currently thinking about. Feel free to comment and point out any others I forgot to consider...
1) What about weather and vacation times around Tulum? Any time-frame to avoid during March to Mai? Is spring break an issue in this area?
2) Which Shop and Instructor? Diving a Razor system and got SDI Sidemount + TDI Cavern certs. Looking for a really decent instructor for 4-7 days of training and about another week of guided diving or joining some people. Not interested in Fullcave. I am hoping to pass an honest and rock solid Intro class and get some cave dives under my belt. Finishing classes without doing consecutive dives as a "full" team member is IMHO pointless on this level. From my limited research so far, I am considering reaching out to Under The Jungle.
3) Where/How to stay? Probably depends on the chosen shop. Since I will travel alone, I would really enjoy staying somewhere with other students or divers to connect with. From my previous training I also recall appreciating someone to talk to in the evening for processing the huge load of impressions during the day
4) How to join/form a team in Tulum after training/guiding? Probably most people dive exclusively with their regular well-known buddies. I also guess cave divers are cautious and picky about new team members (and they should). This brings me back to 3...

I originally planned doing this trip next year with a lot of preparation beforehand and with my regular local dive buddy. Unfortunately, my buddy pulled out for good. Furthermore, doing this trip this March or April (May max.), would fit into in my current life situation. Despite the little preparation time, I am thinking about pulling the trigger on this one and go alone.
The idea just emerged a few days ago. Haven't done any decent research yet but the clock is ticking. These are the main topics I am currently thinking about. Feel free to comment and point out any others I forgot to consider...
1) What about weather and vacation times around Tulum? Any time-frame to avoid during March to Mai? Is spring break an issue in this area?
2) Which Shop and Instructor? Diving a Razor system and got SDI Sidemount + TDI Cavern certs. Looking for a really decent instructor for 4-7 days of training and about another week of guided diving or joining some people. Not interested in Fullcave. I am hoping to pass an honest and rock solid Intro class and get some cave dives under my belt. Finishing classes without doing consecutive dives as a "full" team member is IMHO pointless on this level. From my limited research so far, I am considering reaching out to Under The Jungle.
3) Where/How to stay? Probably depends on the chosen shop. Since I will travel alone, I would really enjoy staying somewhere with other students or divers to connect with. From my previous training I also recall appreciating someone to talk to in the evening for processing the huge load of impressions during the day

4) How to join/form a team in Tulum after training/guiding? Probably most people dive exclusively with their regular well-known buddies. I also guess cave divers are cautious and picky about new team members (and they should). This brings me back to 3...