Pictures from Cozumel

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Well, my girlfriend and I just got back from a week long dive vacation in Cozumel. We went with her dive instructors, who have been diving with Aldora for quite a while now. I must say that my experience with them has been the best I've ever had diving (not that it takes a whole lot, as we have only been a few handfulls of times). We dove with steel 120 cubic feet tanks and computers, giving us bottom times of about an hour and in somecases a little more than an hour.

You can find the entire photo album here or just the best of the underwater pictures here. Below are a couple of the ones I liked the most. Click for bigger images... and once you are in the gallery, you can click for the real full size image. None of these images have been edited yet, quite a few of them are due for a good cropping and perhaps some color balancing :)

I forgot to mention... all of the photos we took were done with an Olympus C-5050 inside the Olympus PT-15 housing. No external strobe or anything else was used. The water visibility was actually pretty bad (for cozumel) so pretty much the only good shoots are macro shots. And then, pretty much the only good macro shots were with the flash forced on, and quite a few of the best ones (imho) were on the night dive. We would use the light to spot the subject, and as the camera button was pressed we would move it out of the way (hoping the subject didn't move much). Oh yeah, pretty much all the information we read which helped us take better pictures was gleaned from here, as well as the strong recommendation of the camera and housing :)
In your Best of Water album, pics # 7-8, you have ID'd as Queen Angels. Those are Grey Angels. It's unusual to see so many schooling together like that, it must be breeding time!

You've got some good ones in there. You're right, the viz wasn't very good for Coz but it sure beats the 5-10 ft we have here at home! :wink:
Suggest that you take a closer look at 68 and 70 also... 68 is a scrawled filefish...70 is a whitespotted filefish


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