Curt Bowen
Piccaninnie Ponds…Hidden Treasures• ADVANCED DIVER MAGAZINE • by Richard Harris
Piccaninnie Ponds Hidden Treasures
Text by Richard Harris
In the extensive swamplands of the Piccaninnie Ponds Conservation Park, lies a freshwater marvel unlike any other in Australia; Piccaninnie Blue Lake, affectionately called Pics. A truly unique feature even compared with the numerous other stunning sinkholes of the Mount Gambier karst region of South Australia.
Piccaninnie Ponds Hidden Treasures
Text by Richard Harris
In the extensive swamplands of the Piccaninnie Ponds Conservation Park, lies a freshwater marvel unlike any other in Australia; Piccaninnie Blue Lake, affectionately called Pics. A truly unique feature even compared with the numerous other stunning sinkholes of the Mount Gambier karst region of South Australia.