Photos from Wednesday's (10/1) dive on Maui

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Thanks for sharing. How has viz been around Makena lately?
Stressful day...I needed that!
Aloha Otter,
The vis around Makena area has been crappy (comparatively) the last few days. These photos were at 70 feet and it was still kind of dirty. No strong current for awhile to clean it up. I still can't complain.
On another note relative to the vis. When I dropped my tank off at the LDS after my dive the help told me their boat cut their dive short in the Five Caves area of Makena because someone stated they saw a shark attack a turtle. Only one kind of shark here that attacks and eats turtles, "TIGER".
I must admit I am a little edgy diving in the poorer vis here, especially hanging at 15 feet for 3 minutes from my kayak doing my safety stop.
Nice shots, Gilligan!

I certainly didn't see any vis problems with your shots. How big do those local lobsters get, and are they harvested for food?
Aloha marpacifica,
Thanks for the compliment on the photos. This species of lobster only grows to 5 inches and is not harvested for food. The one in the photo was under 5 inches.
:shades: many types of puffers do you see 'out there'? I love their colors and patterns.
WOW, sir as always, beautiful pics. thanks again for sharing with us VERY dry people. i cant get wet right now but i sure enjoy seeing your pics. :)

Aloha DivemasterSteve,
Thanks, but you can't call me sir cause that reminds me that I'm old. You know when your old when people start calling you "sir".
My Hoover Hawaii Fish book shows 7 puffers, 2 porcupinefish and 3 boxfish (incl. the Cowfish as a boxfish). There are probably more. The boxfish (aka trunkfish) are not considered puffers. Interestingly enough, boxfish can only move their fins, eyes and mouths. Weird little creatures.

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