Phi Phi - Places to stay, recommendations!!

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Bristol, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
# of dives
25 - 49

Ive been diving for just over a year now in the UK and love it so much ive progressed on to my AOW and Rescue Diver. Ive been working in insurance for the past 10 years and now at a point in my life where I need to leave behind the 9-5 lifestyle (even if its just for a few years)

So my plan is to travel to Phi Phi in October this year do my Dive Master and hopefully stay on working as a DM for a few months to get a good foundation as a DM. Then around May time I plan to head to Oz, work for a bit to build back up my finances and then do a bit of travelling.

So my question is this...

Does anyone have any recommendations of where to stay in Phi Phi for around 6months? I want cheap and cheerful, im not afraid to rough it but at the same time I want somewhere clean and safe, I will have all my diving gear and my whole life packed in a bag so want to keep this as safe as poss.

Also if you have any recommendations on Dive Shops/Schools I can approach to do my DM with that would be welcome? I know a few people who have worked over there and have some recommendations already. A few people have said, turn up and see which school you mesh well with but I would like to do a bit of research before going, i.e. contacts names etc.

My second question, although unrelated to Thailand! is..

After doing some work in Oz im thinking I would like to work as a DM for a dive school and maybe train with them to do my instructors, im going out on a working holiday visa so if I work it right I should have 2 years to get lots of diving in over there to make sure im at a good level before I start my instructor qualification. So any recommendations on where to head to in Oz and some dive schools out there you have had experience with and can recommend would be awesome. I will look to contact these places nearer the time I intend to head to Oz but anything you can give me now would be lovely.

Anyways ive babbled on enough, look forward to hearing from you guys

Lou :)
Lou, congrats on your big decision :) I made mine 7 years ago and hardly ever regret it :wink:

Have you been to Phi Phi before? I'd recommend going there and seeing whether it's a place you'd actually like to stay for a longer time (some love it - some hate it).

As for the divemaster training: yes, it's important that there is a good vibe between you and the dive op / main instructor. It's also worth checking whether you get a proper education or just a quick certification. Ideally you'll want to learn as many aspects as possible about working in / running a dive centre - including tank filling, gear maintenance etc. Also, some DMT's are left alone with the theory, because their instructor(s) don't have time/confidence/interest teaching them. Finally, make sure it's clear how many dives are included in the course.

Dive centres I'd recommend: Blue View and Adventure Club, but there are dozens over there. If you want a really good, interesting and thorough divemaster training, I'd recommend Wicked in Khao Lak (Similans). I don't work for them and never have, but I have worked with them and have employed several of their divemasters - they are really good. Just saying :wink:

Good luck & enjoy your new adventure
Karin :D
Second the Blue Veiw and they have connections with housing there on the island. In my opinion can't go wrong with caroline or Emma. I am sure they teach any class well.

Hi Karin

Thank you very much for the advise, I will check out Wicked in Khao Lak.

I have never been to Phi Phi or anywhere that side of the world but a good friend of mine spent 18 months in Phi Phi doing her DM and working and loved it. As I have no idea where to start I took her advise! She has said that Phi Phi does change a lot as it was over 3 year ago she was there so things may of changed.

I think from what ive heard of Phi Phi I will love it but im also after good solid training, after Thailand I am planning to head to Oz and NZ to possibly to move on to assistant instructor and so on so want my DM training to be looked at as respectable I am aware some people do not believe Thailand is a good place to train) but the things you have suggested I find out about before I commit to a dive centre is really helpful and should mean I get good training!

Thanks again for you comments really helpful

Lou :)

---------- Post added April 6th, 2012 at 01:58 PM ----------

Thanks Michael, checking them out as we speak


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