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Reaction score
Day-Dreamland, Georgia
# of dives
50 - 99
When I signed up for SB not too long ago, I used my FB as my login. This was contrary to my normal way of signing up to websites (social media, forums, etc.). I was mainly in a hurry so I could access some of the content and join in on some posts. I now regret using my full name. I am looking for a way to change my "nickname" and I can't seem to find any solution. I disconnected my FB and now login with my email and a custom password. Is there anyway to set up a different nickname to post under or do I need to start from scratch? It hasn't been too long since I set up my account so I'm not attached to it very much, but I do intend to continue using SB and participating in this forum.

Its not that I am trying to hide my identity. It just seems like using my full name as my "nickname" is awfully formal for most intentions on this form of media and I wasn't sure just how formal this forum would be when I set up my account.
It's pretty easy. PM any mod with your request and a few nicks you would like to use. They'll change it to the first one that isn't being used.

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