Panama- shots?

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Dartmouth,NS,Canada(Eastern Passage-Atlantic)
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Am planning a week diving in Panama in Dec. Has anyone who's been there gotten any shots before going?
Am planning a week diving in Panama in Dec. Has anyone who's been there gotten any shots before going?

It primarily depends where you are going. I have lived in Bocas del Toro for the past two years. Before moving here from the States my local health department said none were necessary for this area of Panama, but there were some areas in the interior where some types of medication were recommended.
I would say "ditto" to CappyJon's comment. Just make sure your DPT is current. The most publicized ailments are Malaria and Dengue Fever. Both are transmitted by mosquitos. There is no medicine to prevent Dengue, but there are a couple of prophylactic medications for Malaria. But, in nearly 20 years of traveling, hiking, camping and canoeing around Panama, I've never used them. Unless you're hiking or camping in the Darien, or you're planning to spend much time in the San Blas Islands, I would recommend using a good mosquito repellent (at least 40% DEET). In my experience, the sun is more of a health hazard than Malaria, Yellow Fever or Dengue.

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