Panama - Mid December

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Roanoke, VA
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0 - 24
Hey Guys,

Heading to Panama towards the end of december until the first of the year. Any recommendations on where to dive? Heard some good things about Coiba National Parque.

Thanks for the input.

Just got back from Panama, headed by road down to Santa Catalina and stayed at La Buena Vida, nice, spacious, clean $40 per night. This is a surfers town with a famous break, October was not the time to visit for surfing or diving but we did anyway. Dove with Herbie's operation, ScubaCoiba, they have a decent set up, gear, new boat coming soon and a compreessor on Coiba which was a miseable 2 hr journey for us but on a calmer, clearer day would have been fine. If you don't fancy the trip 2 or 3 times then you and the divemaster can stay on the island overnight and get away from it all, would do that next time.
We'd heard good reports from a friend but conditions we'ren't so great however we did see a couple of frogfish, numerous eels, octopus, moorish idols, huge jacks, 5 or 6 white tips on each of our 3 dives. Fish life is abuntant, water around 73 degrees, current was extreme on one dive, steady on the others.
Worth the effort, probably excellent at different time of the year
Ya, Coiba is the joint in Panama. I dove for a few days in Bocas del Toro. It was better than the quarry, for sure, but wasn't that great. Tons of brittle stars and a lot of macro stuff, but nothing big and the viz wasn't great (I was there in January). I also dove out of Portabello, which was awesome considering where you were diving. I went out w/ Panama Divers and on one dive we circumnavigated Drake Isle, where Sir Francsis Drake staged his assault of the treasure fleet in Portabelo. Way cool. They also do dives in the lakes that feed the canal and you can still see all of the earth moving equipment that was left behind. Overall, I REALLLLY enjoyed Panama. Diving wasn't great but the country was awesome. Make sure you take some time to explore topside. Panama City is amazing. Tons of history and plenty to do. It was much safer than I had imagined. Enjoy your trip!

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